Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?
Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?
It’s problematic because the implication that “you’d like sucking a fat cock” is negative was clear in the nature of the insult.
I mean, I’m a straight dude, and I wouldn’t be terribly insulted by someone telling me to “go suck a fat cock,” because that’s not something I do in my daily life, and can therefore brush…
>>cat girls sprawl out on beds with elves, humans, blue-skinned giants and other fantastical races
I’m glad you’re pretending to sound less judgy in this article, but it’s still incredibly tacky to publish this on the heels of your /doze emote article, especially with no apologies or retraction for that article. Even more tacky that you probably covered a similar subject again so soon BECAUSE you knew the heat from…
This isn’t a thing for 99.9% of Final Fantasy XIV players.
Cecilia, I must ask: Why are you so hellbent on portraying Final Fantasy as this weird sex dungeon-esque, Second-Life-esque videogame? There has to be some sort of gain for you. What, are you a WoW fan who’s jealous? Are you just not very informed about the…
Balmung is no more “raunchy” than any other server. It has a high concentration of RPers, but the majority of the server just plays the game like anyone else. The larger FFXIV community has a lot of hate for Balmung over it being the largest server, and being the player designated “unofficial RP server” since 1.0, and…
“the raunchy role-play server Balmung” Seriously? Balmung is one of the largest servers, the ERP population only makes up a small portion of it. Statements like this do nothing but draw griefers to us and paint the server in such a negative light that saying you play on it becomes shameful and open to mocking (which…
Great way to cherry pick the entire conversation, picking the easiest tail to talk with. The slant on this article is just hilarious. You misrepresented what was handed to you
Ehhh.... Maybe I missed something but I don’t entirely understand the point of this article. Is it to simply bring attention to role playing in an MMO? Which has been a thing for nearly 20 years, if not longer.
Nah, brah; I’ve been with them since Ultima Online.
But sneering condescension in place of making an argument for why I’m wrong is obviously the highbrow thing to do.
Fallacy of relative privation or the ‘darfur orphan argument’ is dumb, don’t do it. Also lol if you think there aren’t whole communities of LGBT people in every single country on earth regardless of developmental status struggling to survive, be safe, and be achieve full rights.
Full disclosure I’ve been already considering buying Splatoon 2 (never owned the first) - mostly been waiting on a good sale or deal on it.
This post though may have just sold me on Splatoon 2 even if I weren’t already considering it.
I actually loved the plot twist to Star Ocean 3.
Not to beat a dead horse, but that’s more or less what happened with Phil Fish. A cool guy with great ideas who had absolutely no business running his own Twitter feed at the end of the day.
Some people call that being a parent of a teenager.
Jeez. A terrorist attacked a large group of innocents, and most people here make fun of them for their hobby.