
Yes. Also, if you roll a character on certain servers (Goblin, Mateus, Coeurl, or Zalera on the Aether Datacenter) - you’ll get a huge experience boost called “The Road to 60" which doubles all the EXP you earn for any job/class you level (including from quests). It lasts until you reach Level 60 on a given class, but

You can get a PS4 copy of the game for free if you played on PS3.

If you’re new to FFXIV, don’t use them both in conjuction. Use one or the other or don’t use them at all. You’ll want to organically learn how to play your job and/or progress through the story naturally. I know this might seem frustrating or tedious, but jumping right to Level 60 and skipping the story means you’ll

If you have a beast of a PC, it’ll run faster. Draw distance and load times will be better, and you can take full advantage of the game’s usage of DirectX 11 on PC.

Not at all. The controls for console are optimized really well. It still helps to have a wireless USB keyboard hooked up to your PS4 in order to use the in-game text chat (FFXIV doesn’t support in-game voice chat.)

Except the other issue here is that housing offers players certain incentives that they cannot get UNLESS they own housing. The two biggest being: Free Company Crafting projects/Airship Ventures and Plant Intercrossing via Gardening.

Yes - but hardcore content runners WANT to be around other players so they can do the content regularly. Thus, they move from small worlds to big worlds or at least medium pop worlds. Thus the small worlds get smaller, and the cycle gets worse.

Except that’s not fully true. Ward 12 was added at the end of June of last year, along with Wards 9, 10, and 11. Yes - there was still open housing on Mateus at that time, but these people deliberately bought housing in the LAST Ward of the LEAST POPULAR housing zone. The Goblet is the last housing zone to fill up on

Its because Uematsu and Sakimoto have different styles in how they compose music.

I always read it as the Sorting Hat looks into your head and sees what it is that you /value/ the most. Not necessarily the kind of person you are or will be - but what traits you find the most appealing.

I always read it as the Sorting Hat looks into your head and sees what it is that you /value/ the most. Not necessarily the kind of person you are or will be - but what traits you find the most appealing.

Because it is still exploiting a limited resource in the game - one that Square Enix seems to have trouble making freely available to players. SE’s main goal is always going to be to make sure all servers have medium to high populations before making more, so small servers will always inevitably be promoted as

Funnily enough - the housing areas in Final Fantasy XIV are *technically* instanced in separate zones. You actually cross a zone barrier when going to any of them and they all have unique area names: The Goblet, The Lavender Beds, and Mist. (And there will soon be a 4th zone called Shirogane.)

Except as I stated above - the problem was that small servers didn’t allow players to participate in endgame hardcore content because the game didn’t have a Cross Server Party and Raid Finder until a few months ago.

The problem is that small servers offered no benefit to players before the introduction of Cross World Party Finder during the end of Heavensward’s expansion.

The problem is that people just hung out in their garrisons and the game became very isolationist. FFXIV has their housing designed around a neighborhood structure in order to make things feel more social.

Between the two of them they have 16 personal houses (one per character - 8 characters total per person), and then 12 of those characters also run Free Companies that have access to the ability to purchase land.

Its due to the game’s server infrastructure and the fact that the housing isn’t instanced - it’s set in open neighborhoods that the playerbase can openly explore at will.

The blame for this rests mostly with Square Enix for not having the foresight to design more housing instances for players - and also for not limiting the number of houses a single player account can own. Honestly, given the shortage - they should limit players to a single personal house per account per server.

Don’t worry Mike, as someone who completed the Stormblood storyline earlier in the week - all I can say is that you’re in for one hell of an incredible ride through the second half of the story.