
I mean....Persona 4 and Persona 3 had these sorts of questions too? They didn’t change them either so I’m curious why this is an issue with this game in the franchise, especially when P4 and P3 didn’t have online functions that basically let you CHEAT at the answers by pulling up the Thieves Guild polling.

I love all of this but I especially adore his take on Tifa. Honestly, I kinda wish that’s how she actually looked in the game. Plus, that hair is amazing.

The Master Sword doesn’t “break” - it simply expends energy to wield it and after awhile needs time to “recharge”. Its meant to be a sword thats used in the dungeons specifically - because it gains a damage and durability boost in those areas.

If you mistime it though, the shield will be instantly destroyed (unless its an Ancient Shield or the Hylian Shield) or Link will get hit. So you gotta get the timing down juuuuuust right.

I still have to make the argument that even though Zelda isn’t playable in this game (hopefully that will change with the story DLC they add later?) that she is actually the main protagonist this time around. Sure, we play the game from Link’s point of view and he’s the one who ends up battling Ganon (as he is fated

Dem furries tho

Combat is slower than WoW’s sure but at Level cap on WoW you only have a handful of skills to utilize, so combat needs to be fast paced from the get go.

There’s a lot of evidence in Overwatch that Pharah is actually mixed race and that her Father is a member of one of the Canadian First Nations. I forget the name of the tribe offhand, but the Thunderbird and Raindancer skins fit into the cultural dress of a Pacific Northwest tribe native to Canada and Pharah was

As someone with PTSD and trauma induced-triggers, I don’t actually mind when people use it to describe situations wherein stuff might illicit bad memories even if it isn’t on the same grounds as actually PTSD or trauma.

There’s nothing wrong with a development team listening to fan feedback and implementing it based on what those fans have to say about the game’s shortcomings. I enjoyed my playthrough of FFXV and had similar complaints to what Tabata addressed (Chapter 13 was annoying and overstayed its welcome despite being an

Dancer could always fill in the role of TP-Based Healer, which the game is actually rather lacking.

The Scarlet Witch shirt is CLEARLY a tease at Red Mage. Red Mage is one of Yoshi-P’s favorite jobs in the franchise, and it was probably the single most anticipated job addition to the game (like Dark Knight was before it).

These two month delays are beginning to look more like red flags than bug fixes. Especially after the situation with No Man’s Sky and their 2 month delay.

Given that you seem to still be in the midst of leveling, I would like to urge you to please please PLEASE get a premade group together before you enter the two Level 50 story dungeons at the end of the A Realm Reborn storyline- Castrum Meriadinum and The Praetorium.

To be fair - those last two dungeon in the original 2.0 storyline are BADLY designed because they incorporate nearly 45-50 minutes of cutscenes across two dungeons. Is the experience epic when you do it the first time and aren’t forced to skip through the cutscenes? Yeah.

They tried that with 1.0 of FFXIV. Eorzea wasn’t Vana’diel, but it was primed to be the next iteration. 1.0 was basically set up to be XI 2.0. The problem is, the MMO world has moved on from the days of text menus and slow animations. XI’s formula doesn’t work in a Post-WoW MMO environment. The only people who look

This isn’t really anything new though, to be fair. WoW’s mounts have been in the $20-$30 range for some time now (the new Nightmare mount is $30) and people don’t have a conniption fit over them.

The dev team stated that somewhere around 90% of the Cash Shop revenue went back to directly help fund FFXIV.

Meanwhile the vast majority of FFXIV’s subscribed user base think that the Yokai Watch collab looks great, and the whiners were quickly shut down by the fact that it’s an optional event that they don’t even have to do.

Honestly, Sailor Moon’s history of puzzle games has been a really good one. I think its a series that translates better into games like this than into action or adventure titles. I mean, they did make the Sailor Moon Another Story RPG game for SNES, but I don’t think it was particularly memorable outside of being able