
@artiofab: Weather + Budget = Failure

@Herdleburdle: LOL, I was thinking that myself. Especially Invincible. You don't even learn about his dad until about volume 5.

@crosis101: I've found that Fluxx isn't very good for people who are serious competitors. My husband (who refuses to lose) would get a wiff of "OMG I'M GOING TO LOSE" and play the Zombies Win card. Needless to say, he won once and the zombies won all other times.

@ahunt005: Oh-ho-ho! Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner!!

Hee! My friend got a really small role (possibly extra) in this movie and just posted a link to the video. :D

awesome. It's news like this that makes me happy. This is why I like io9—it's none of that doom-and-gloom BS that you see in the news stations on a daily basis.

@Jeff Ryan: I was "eh" on the first one, "meh" on the second one, and "ugh" on the third. I'll probably continue down this path of disgust. ;)

@Faustroll: These movies turned my love for Johnny into sheer hatred. Also, pirates are dirty rapists and I can't stand the ocean.

I'm hoping we still get to see these scenes and they just take place later.

*sigh* I really didn't need more books, Katharine...

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that really doesn't like these movies. Thanks io9 for showing some solidarity with me.

@TheName: I whole-heartedly support this type of development.

@Jonas: same here. I catch it on Boomerang every now and again and don't understand why anyone watches it. The new (animated) movies are 10x more entertaining.

@Bruce White: Do you sell these? Because my sci-fi robot room is dying for one of these.

I wish I made more than $200,000 a year so I could save up enough to go next year. :(

Horrific or ADORABLE?

Awesome! Thanks for the mashup, Meredith! I would have never believed it without the clips.

@maggeimerc: Seconded. If I meet someone who hasn't seen it, I make them sit down and watch it.