
Perhaps a wandering mind is the effect of an unhappy life and not the cause of one?

@Smeagol92055: To your very last question, my guess is yes.

Now all the arguments Woodchuck v. Otter look like they're mildly insane. Hurray! I also like the addition of vuvuzela. :D

@Death_By_SnuSnu: RIVERBOTTOM NIGHTMARE BAND!!! But why are they in trees?

@Josh Young: I'm pretending it's a skinny girl in a fat suit.

@Shiryu: I have no idea why, but any and all Soylent Green references make me chuckle.

@Broda: My sentiments exactly.

@colormist: Wait, it appears as if I have to pick a device in order to donate...

Admittedly I'm a little slow today due to illness, but I cannot figure out how to donate. I click and then get confused.

@pirukas: Glenn is definitely one of the best characters in the comic, too. :)

@DemonHunt: I feel like they're both heading down an appropriate path. I definitely hate Lori more than I disliked her in the comic, though. I guess that gives her more to overcome.

@Mr_Academic: Yes, that's what I was expecting the list to be.

Wait, I'm confused. Some of those Customer Favorites have 3 or less

Dear Annalee,

@ronsavoy: Yeaaah, I think I realized this when I was in elementary school. Why did people think this was important enough to research it?

@Belabras: OR we could continue to eat and just purge after every meal. :D

@Trek_not_Track: I agree. I'd love to see Clayface on the silverscreen, but I didn't see it matching up with Nolan's (thus far) preferences.