
@♠ Final ♠: I picked up the first novel. I didn't interest me too much either, but it might translate better (HA!) onto TV?

@AldoraGreel: Wait a second. Back up, back up. What's this about The Dark Tower you speak of?

A small MAINE town? Derry, perhaps? Castle Rock, maybe? Jerusalem's Lot even?

@Sukigod: Or, what use would a tank be in downtown Atlanta, period. *shrug*

@Al Swearengen: I think it depends on how dead they are. ;)

@meggush: It's also the same reason the zombies went and sat on the bus. :)


@Mr.Wake: I'm so tired... but I don't want to record it and watch it later. But I can't complain because it totally met my expectations and then some.

So, I just saw this promoted on Dr. McNinja ([] and added it to my wishlist. I didn't even know io9 was promoting it as well. Now that I know that Beck is whining about it, I think I'll go ahead and purchase it for myself.

@HongKongCavalier: They're only comedic gold until you realize both of your parents (and a majority of your extended family) listen to and worship the man. Then they turn to tragedy.

Now playing

I'm torn. The animatronic Krang is awesome, but this Jawa is super adorable.

Love Kate Beaton. This week's comic includes everything that makes her so awesome.

I still watch both on Boomerang. Late Smurfs episodes suck as bad as most of the Snorks episodes. I thought for sure they were created by the same person.

@Makidian: Same here. I much prefer to be alone or with one or two people I know really well. My parents (social butterflies) are republican (if not tea baggers) and I'm more left-leaning. I do like socializing on the internet. I wonder if that counts?

@NotGodot: This does not explain me or my family at all. Exact opposites, actually. But, then again, as my father would say, we're normal and everyone else is crazy.

@Gïmmï Mørgäikköŋëŋ: It's a tragedy that I just learned of as well. Sadly, I didn't even know the show existed until my friend pointed it out on Netflix.

@cylon_conspiracy: Guh, yes. I keep watching it and keep wanting it to be good, but it's not. It's horrid. It could be good, maybe... *sigh*