
Truth. I have three kids and 99.9% of the time I’m driving somewhere I just need to get there with a minimum of fuss and stress. Someday when I have more time I’ll get a project car again, for now I need reliable, easy to clean, low-maintenance, with decent fuel economy vehicles that will get me where I need to go.

agree mostly, then I got a Miata

My wife and I are only 6 years apart, but she has no idea about the outside world as I drive because she is constantly staring at her phone. I remember “going for a drive” was an activity. If the weather was nice, you’d roll down the windows, listen to the radio and just drive around the area, especially if you lived

Also, car seats in general are bigger, and kids are in the damn things (or booster seats) until they’re old enough to learn to drive the damn car. I can see why parents want bigger vehicles. I just don’t understand SUVs being favored over minivans, especially if the kids are still little and have to be placed in their

100% yes.

Three people owed me 20 bucks each at my 20th high school reunion because they swore I’d change my mind by then. I didn’t. They also didn’t pay up, because they have kids and couldn’t afford it.

Rusted out at the rear?

His clarification is mistaken.

Short answer— they did.

Not from this angle, which seems to match their etching.

Many other people have posted photos of the actual skyline they used, which does not include Ren Cen.

^^^^ Finally someone gets it. It was a reference to the ads, and of course they didn’t depict competing GM headquarters in their car.

not possible, it is the biggest building in Detroit and it is dead center of the skyline. They would have to use the right or left skyline to not see it.

Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things. - George Carlin

Yeah, I can totally understand why displaying the RenCen would be unthinkable on a Chrysler product.

GTE only came in three cars, Supra and two Aristo models in Japan only. GE came in 9 cars. I have a feeling most of these GTE’s started life as GE’s. It looks like there were about 46k MKIV’s built so the amount of factory GTE’s engines has to be pretty low.

A lot of these really high horsepower 2J’s didn’t start life as GTE’s. I hear all things being equal, a lot of guys like to start with the GE because they can be had much cheaper, you aren’t using any of the stock turbo equipment anyways and the oil squirters that the GTE’s have in the bottom end are often blocked off

To be safe it’s best to mix it with THC.

Mr. Crissey’s logic – and yours, by extension – is fundamentally backwards. Labor is an expense, and a necessary one. Profits are literally the money that’s left over after expenses. To run a business properly, you must pay your expenses before you start taking money out of it.