My mom still has the old Chevy Silverado pickup my dad bought the same day he bought me my first car. Pretty sure he paid around 10k for it brand new.
My mom still has the old Chevy Silverado pickup my dad bought the same day he bought me my first car. Pretty sure he paid around 10k for it brand new.
You can still get the average family sedan spec’d down to the basics. Finding a new pickup that isn’t chock full of leather seats and bells and whistles is a bit tougher in some markets.
I agree. A good ring time isn’t a definitive statistic for a given car’s performance. Some cars will do relatively poorly at the ring while putting up better times at other tracks, and vice-versa. But i’d say the ring is arguably the best single track for measuring a car. Long, varied, etc. it generally finds a way to…
The truck market right now is insane!
The thing is, testing on the Nurburingring is _CHEAP_.... 25 euros per lap. Even if you own your own track there are lots of expenses to actually using it... you’ll need security staff, and likely EMS on call as well.
It’s an infinitely better dick measuring contest than the HP wars. HP numbers don’t mean shit if they don’t translate into good performance numbers. Take the hellcat for example. Nurburgring times actually mean something.
All the current aviation diesel engines I’m aware will burn both diesel and Jet-A e.g.
Did you know that dry-cleaning fluid is also very similar to kerosene? Supposedly, dry-cleaning was invented when a coal miner spilled some kerosene from his lantern onto his clothes, and noticed that it helped the dirt come out. Modern dry-cleaning fluid is designed to have a much higher flash point than kerosene,…
Came here to say this, 100LL is definitely not jet fuel (100 octane gas with lead in it). Definitely close-ish to pump gas but anyone who decides to try it out and see what happens in their car should be prepared to live with whatever the results are.
As a certified private pilot I can confirm this. The amount of tetraethyl lead in the 100LL is insanely high compared to traditional automotive fuels.
Bingo. Not jet fuel.
100LL is not jet fuel.
I know the Army uses JP-8 interchangeably with diesel engines for most of their equipment. Back when I was with an Armor Unit, the biggest noticeable difference between JP-8 and Diesel for us was that diesel makes better smoke when you’re trying to lay a cloud for cover. JP-8 burns cleaner (duh), so you can’t get…
My friend used to run Jet-A in his diesel Ram. It ran just fine weirdly enough.
I won the lottery when I was in my early 20s. Not as much as you, high 5 figures. I was initially going to buy a new camaro or sti but decided to get a simple used civic for 8k and a used motorcycle. Put the rest of the money into property. Since then those properties have made me exponentially more than I had…
Honestly, the real answer? a used civic. It is a WASTE OF MONEY to buy a new car. So if you are truly interested in being smart with your money, you don’t buy a luxury SUV, you buy a 2 year old used civic or accord. Because you can pretty much buy a LIFETIME supply of those used for the price of a new lexus or…
There are plenty of less intelligent ways to solve this problem. For example, getting a ladder and going up there in the storm.
False. I know quite a few liberals in Austin that are packing heat.