honestly I thought this was a video about Mercedes calling out crossover buyers, and I was about to get excited.
honestly I thought this was a video about Mercedes calling out crossover buyers, and I was about to get excited.
The GLA is the slap-chop of appliances though.
So the lesson is to send in 1000 drones, make the enemy use all their missiles, then send in the bombers.
That is the correct behavior for a BMW fan.
You may have seen a BMW or a Honda once that had weird little tube things sprouting from one side of its engine. What…
Or “if you buy a nice enough car, you shouldn’t be saddled with ridiculous maintenance” but that’s not reality. It needs to be...I’ve always proposed the idea of selling a luxury car that costs a lot up front, but with very cheap/easy maintenance. There is definitely a market for this, but you’ll never make the case…
Second this. I could get down with neon pink
Power, check. Reliability, try again.
What’s all this bullshit about Jaguar motors being unreliable? My XJS V12 has over 160K on the original motor. It’s called “maintenance”, assholes. The motor is the most reliable part of the car (on its third GM TurboHydramatic, natch).
Ugh. I’m sorry, but a Jag is exactly the kind of car I don’t want to see an LS swap in. Jaguar is a brand that is steeped in character. A Jaguar inline-6 might not propel this XJ coupe down the road at the same rate, but it will certainly do so with massive amounts of Jaguar character. To me, that takes priority.
Came here for this post, was not disappointed.
What’s more chickenshit than fucking with a man’s automobile? I mean, don’t fuck with another man’s vehicle. You don’t do it. It’s just against the rules.
Is there a TL/DR for this?
You have been lucky. Ive had my house door kicked in and the house ransacked.So i see this differently probably than you.
You can go and buy a smaller gun, and should. Be responsible and don’t be vulnerable!
I don’t disagree with this, but the indignance we all have (myself included) belies the fact that we literally inherited concepts of “property rights” from people who got all the property by killing people. Hell, unless you happen to be rich how much doubt do you have that if a rich person wanted to take something…
In defense of the RX-8, you’ll spend less money replacing the apex seals then you would just trying to diagnose an electrical problem on a similarly aged German car.