
Edsels are indeed classics!

I never said these things would be valuable, but I do think there will be some people out there who collect these things.

This why a functional tool such as the Honda Fit, is far more interesting to me than hypercars. The engineering and manufacturing prowess needed to fulfill the expectations you mention, are truly cutting edge.

I Like My Things

America, our possessions are ruining us. Even as you read these words, container ships are churning through the

Could not agree more.

Better they use AMG engines than ancient jag v8's or 2 ford V6's 69'ing. If they used BMW engines i’d have a fit, but not merc.

Thank you, its not as bad as it seems. Things are getting better, and giving the 4Runner back means I’ll have no choice but to get my Falcon into daily-driver shape again.

Old cars duking it out is better than F1 and NASCAR.


Time for an Insurance Discount for all Manual’s the least annoying anti-theft device out there.

Check out American Modern. They’ve never asked me about mileage. Policy only covers travel to shows and parades, and “occasional pleasure driving”. Which would be whenever I use it. Granted if it gets crushed in a mall parking lot I won’t be able to make a claim, but what’re you gonna do?

Yeah, it all depends on your insurance. I had a ‘72 Beetle convertible back in the late ‘80s. Put in a new motor, did bodywork and primed it, was ready for paint when I decided to buy a slightly nicer bumper I had seen on an earlier trip to a junkyard. One the way an asshole made a left turn in front of me and

It would be good for shops to have that as an option. I don’t want people hooning my car when it is in the shop, but sometimes you cant take off of work to be there the whole time, or may not want to wait that long for a fix(getting the owner to do test drives could delay work on every car in the place). You are

As a Jalopnik family member we will keep you in our thoughts. Godspeed.

That’s what I kept thinking: put it on the dyno if you want to test it out, man. Way safer, plus getting a nice readout of the new specs is nice to have.

The point is well taken, but I do think it a bit excessive... and I’ve been on the “dashcam caught something stupid” end of the spectrum to where videos were passed on to management.

Wouldnt it have been better to hone this car on a track of sorts? I cant imagine honing a car on a public street that looked like the DPW hasnt touched in years. Put in on a flat bed, bring it to a professional track, do it there.

My second car was an 83 Reliant and I had the same emotions. It was not fun. It did not look good. And the interior smelled like a shade tree mechanic. But it worked EVERY TIME. Strange how I hated that car but it did right by me while the Subaru Outback that I loved seemed to actually get a thrill from costing me

Friend of bought a used308 that had a blown engine, he had it ripped out and had a company make an adapter plate to fit a LS2 in the car.

Ah, we can do it with daily drivers too. In fact, if you are willing to pay the premiums I don’t see why the insurance company should care how often the vehicle is driven.