
I think with those cars you spend $10+ million on the car and another $500k on a Ferrari mechanic that lives in your garage. :D

I have no idea where someone would get THAT idea. Pshaw.

those few cool friends with manual cars who’d be like, “Ok, you can shift for me.”

I remember that. That friend was my mom, and she was teaching me shifting on the way to kindergarten in her Chevy Citation X11

“Regarding No. 1, I think it’d be pretty frustrating to have to use the clutch without having control of the throttle. Like any good DJ or bartender will tell you, it’s all about how well you mix it.” Just include rev matching, which will completely make the shifting useless.

The title of this is “Guaranteed Not-To-Happen Predictions for cars in 2017.”

Obviously you buy a G8 GXP.

Just not so crappy that a major part, like a GM trans-axle, will need to be replaced.

^ This is a good tactic. Basic transportation, teaches them the truth about cars (they wear out, break down and have to be maintained) and it will help them appreciate a good car when they finally buy one. Plus, when they wreck it, it isn’t a big loss. Full disclosure: My parents got me a worn out Ford Courier as

Man, if it took him 22 times to graduate I guess he really worked for it. :D

D E S I G N A T E D Shitting Skies


The dude is A-OK in my book. (“Petty”—say whut?) Whiners getting on Mayer’s case need to grasp a couple of facts:

I think a motocross track and a big mudbog pit for monster trucks would be perfect right beside her.

They are a stones throw from a poultry operation, I think this is a personal vendetta.

Awwww, you’re triggered. Do you need a safe space to be protected from opinions you don’t like, you precious snowflake?

Why should anyone be tolerant of hateful, misogynistic, idiotic regressive ideas and policies?

You people spent 8 years accusing the most recent Democratic President of the United States of not being an American citizen, of being a covert ISIS/Russian/whatever agent. The one before that, you impeached for having a consensual affair. NOW you want civility? Fuck you. You made this world—I hope the left

Get used to it. You guys chose the wrong person to lead this country and if you think the rest of the country is going to sit back and be ok with the dumbfuckery you just chose then you would be very mistaken.

Please.... point out one factually inaccurate thing in this post.