
There are negatives about that too...

For example, AWD vs RWD? Same motor would produce more in RWD than AWD because of drivetrain losses. Same motor would produce even more in FWD. Is that fair? maybe, maybe not.

Then they would have to retest it in all drivetrain configurations... right now they certify one engine and

It’s my understanding that the same kind of driveline (e.g. FWD with 6 speed auto) has about the same losses, so if you’re comparing similar vehicles it doesn’t make much difference if you compare crank or wheel horsepower.

Power ratings for cars available with the same engine but different drive configurations would be amusing.

Manufacturers would need to test and advertise multiple power outputs depending on drivetrain configuration, transmission type and gearing.

It should be kW, a real number, not 43 hamsters with a tailwind.

My understanding is that the gross horsepower model was considerably worse than you describe. It could include potentially any mod, therefore it could really be virtually any number the manufacturer wanted. At one point, GM supposedly decided to list power as vehicle weight/10, leaving cars with the same drive trains

Didn’t they also remove the oil pump and water pump? Instead having those essential fluids delivered from an external source. I seem to remember hearing that.

It probably takes just one manufacturer to start doing it before the rest would have to. “200 REAL horsepowers, not 200 pretend ones like what those other guys advertise.”

MOPAR MUSCLE ran a ‘67 Hemi Belvedere was truly production line stock, other than being fitted with the hotter ‘68-1/2 production street cam grind.

In most cases, the old “gross” HP engines couldn’t even produce their advertised ratings with all the mods you mentioned.

Shareholders and laymen would rather hear the larger number, I assume.

Now, now.. the LeBaron convertibles weren’t all THAT bad! At least the fake ones weren’t. The “LeBaron” in Planes, Trains & Automobiles was a modified Dodge 600 with the ES Turbo package, featuring a nice little 2.2L 142hp job. I guess it needed all that power to survive John Candy.

Owning a TDI doesn’t have all that much to do with being pissed off about VW cheating the emissions; If the restaurant at the end of your road was dumping all of it’s rubbish in the middle of your street, you’d be annoyed about it whether or not you ever actually ate there. Swap Restaurant -> VW, Rubbish -> illegal

Why do people get so worked up over this? VW negotiated the terms of the buyback. A (no doubt well-compensated) attorney drafted those terms. If someone wishes to hold VW to the terms of their buyback, what do we care?

Ah, so you’re a Volkswagen fanbois, that or you’re sitting on zhe Volkswagen board viff zhe ozzer Jermans.

this guy is a jerk for trying to stick it to a major corporation who plotted and schemed to deceive the world? ill take the jerk ftw.

I will make you any damn hoagie you want for 10Gs in unmarked, non-sequential 20's. Let me know what you like.

Oof, that’s annoying. It’s kind of like the morning show: this is a clear break from what the station does most of the time and no, sir, I don’t like it. I’ll admit to listening to football radio when I really want to follow a game and have no other choice, but isn’t that usually an AM deal? Why would I think to look


Don’t forget 8000+ redline. I feel is a necessary must for Civic Si. That is why I’m really skeptical of the new Si and Type R. I just feel it lost what made it an Si by dropping redline and power delivery to 7000.