
Someone typo’d a memo on smog control.

In his ca.... oh.

That sounds alot like my UBinder, its like Uber, but everyone drives Scouts.

ex-Michigander from the outskirts of metro Detroit, currently in SoCal.


Actually no.Your’s contains heavily implied sarcasm which always wins :-)

Mine was uGo!

Shit.... That one could actually work. You should try that for real, I bet you could make that one work in any city with enough bored hipsters. Broaden it out with Maxi-mum Overdrive using imported British Austin Maxis to shake it up a bit on weekend or any day where there is an event.

Serious question: Who gives a fuck about Wards list?

One more thing: does this list really matter? It’s considered a prestigious award in the auto industry, but it’s hard to argue how much your average buyer really cars.

Better interior, too.

In older aircraft, the controls were all round. To get max power, you push the throttle, supercharger, mixture, water injection, and prop control all the way forward (balls to the wall). 

And they have aged beautifully as well. (subjective of course)


AP style, homie.

While straight line performance isn’t terribly impressive by todays standards, a bone stock one in good condition with decent tires will still set awesome lap times on a road course compared to many cars from today with significantly more horsepower.

Yes this. In my late teens I did a lot of drugs and used to play a game call Outlander on the sega genesis. The main body of the game was driving around in an (very realistic at the time) interior view of the car. and as you drove pole position style bikers would pull up to smack you around and you could either break

Agreed, 0-60 in 5 seconds flat is quick even today.