There you go!
There you go!
Over a year later, the Worst is yet to come, buddy. Welcome to Trump’s America and Mike “Christian Sharia Law” Pence.
The Devil drives a ‘58 Fury. Duh.
I’ve come up with a theory as to why the traffic can so quickly become horrifying in LA - other than the sheer numbers. I live in San Diego and go up there once and a while for something and after observing driving habits, the big issue seems to be that there are equal numbers of offensive and defensive drivers and…
Funny you say this, because I used to frequent the auto shows every year up until about 2009 and two years ago I started going again. The first major difference I noticed when I came back was that Honda always used to have lot’s of sporty cars, but today I didn’t see anything, their big thing was the Acura TLX.
It was the biggest shock to me when I found out that wait, those girls actually DO know about the cars they’re posing for. I thought they were literally just hired to look pretty and add sex appeal to the car, but no, they’re more than a one trick pony.
This is the correct take, and these women have in my experience always been polite, professional and friendly. And they deserve to make a living doing something they’re good at. However, I still find it vaguely sexist and terrible that auto show product specialists are almost exclusively young and very attractive…
“Booth babes” have always weirded me out. Just me? Just me.
Aight, well, thanks for coming to my TedX talk.
I have a friend who’s a very serious professional builder, a married father and respectful gentleman. When I got his photo- disc from SEMA, where he had a featured build, there was one photograph of him sandwiched between two hyperpneumatic booth babes. The look in his eyes of “why me” is priceless.
Is the Countach with or without spoiler?
The main contributor to this problem is higher beltlines to better deal with side impacts from an increasing number of light trucks on the road.
Silly me, I thought Jesus drove a donkey.
No, no, no. Clearly, the devil drives a Ferrari. You know, one that spontaneously bursts into flames.
No. Jesus drives an Accord.
This was really well done and I believe Matt’s best work. Completely agree with the sentiments
My biggest disappointment this year hasn’t been a shoddily built rental car. It was a brand new Porsche 911. I am …
Are you familiar with Citroen as well ? André Citroen was also a visionnary, you can check Jay Leno’s take on the DS...
I did a similar thing when I got really into Need fro Speed: High Stakes in 2003. Was trying my housemates somewhere and, as I approached a sharp 90 degree bend in the road, I caught myself subconsciously reaching for the handbrake. In a 1.0l 1996 Micra. With a CVT.
Sounds like me rn with san andreas
Holy crap I’ve done that. Or eyeing any radio/TV towers as I’m driving around after playing marathon Just Cause 2 sessions.