Somewhere in Iowa upper control arm.
Somewhere in Iowa upper control arm.
James St. Brakes (or Breaks?)
287 tiny hose clamp?
State Route 113 Radiator Support? Sounds like a cooling system focused repair shop.
When I was in HS it was all about seeing how many gigantic speakers you could fit in the trunk of your shitbox.
He’s an editor here. He probably isn’t going anywhere. It might be in your better interest for you to fuck off, instead.
In my universe. You’re welcome to your opinion. A clean, honest design looks better than an overstyled mess of fake vents, creases, and wacky LEDs like the Prius and Camry.
I want to go to one of their meet-ups, in a Fiero with a Countach V12 and drivetrain in it.
Some people that are cooler than all of us hung out together at a racetrack in eight beautiful examples of the…
You forgot to end with “Get off my lawn!”... heh
Oddly, I feel the exact opposite. I feel like every car today is boring and bland, and the only cars that have become remotely worth buying are low end FWD cars like the civic, or 100k+ cars, or 2 door sports cars. I mean all the highlines look the same, dropped the stick, and come in black, white, and brown- thats…
Amen brother! Preach this shit! And can we talk about twenty motherfuckin inch rims on economy cars?!?! Twenties and larger are for SUVs and ridiculously awesome sedans, but the sedans aren’t supposed to have them stock. Why the fuck does my Infiniti have twenties?!?!!! Why did i have to check when someone asked if…
Welcome to the club, buddy. There’s very few cars I’d want that are newer than a ‘94.
Okay, your post is super negative. But I have to agree.. on pretty much everything you said. It is unfortunate. I have to ask, is the car you already own a WRX?
I’d consider buying a new Charger if it came with a sweet 6-speed, but alas...
David Tracy’s Greasy Clothing Dye™, to even out the stains on your clothes.
Sorta-kinda off topic: America needs a Nurburgring.
I just have a spare pair of flats to change into if I wear shoes I can’t drive in.
I frequently change in my car, but that is because I tend to be a muddy, sweaty mess after trail running, mountain biking, or kayaking, and I don’t want to dirty the car seat.
I’m in!!!!!