Colored Francie

Finished the show this morning, so I guess that means it was watchable? Not very believable fiction in the way it was written or acted however. I have not read the book to be honest for comparison of the characters in the book. Kevin was clueless to his power, he was to timid and afraid. Any white-man in that era was

It’s always extra said when standups joke about stuff that seems to be part of an act, like Ali wanting to cheat on her husband all the time, and then they break up. Like Mitch Hedberg joking about “I’m not gonna stop doing something because of how it makes me feel LATER...” Kinda rough listening to these bits now.

I don’t normally get emotionally involved in celebrity relationships, but I was sad when I saw Ali Wong’s divorce. I met her husband at one of her shows (hell, he was in the lobby selling her t-shirts).

Would much prefer having to primary her rather than having to deal with her independent candidacy in a close general election where the 0.5% of Arizona voters who actually like her might make a difference. Or a situation where Democrats are basically stuck with her, because they are scared of that happening, which is

I mean that’s what one partner says about him, yeah.

This just in - normal-looking dude who’s also funny is dating woman. MUST HAVE A GIANT SHLONG AMIRITE?!

Agreed. For the wrong reasons or not, there are just not a lot of skilled actors who fit the actual body type depicted.

*looks in the mirror*

She wants to be a Republican so bad but AZ is officially a swing state where Reps have lost the last couple elections so the poor girl doesn’t know what to do. Can’t be herself : (

Our sister Kyrsten has left us. We drove her away.

Every one of us needs to look in the mirror and ask ourselves what part we played in this tragedy.

This fool was Green before she was a Dem, and she’ll be an Independent until she’s a “Reasonable” Republican. She has no principles except those which she is instructed to have by her corporate sponsors.

It’s a lot of agency to give a white man within a story about the horrors of slavery”

I am both excited and very wary of this adaptation. It’s a brilliant book by a brilliant writer, and I’m a little worried that the liberties they take will undermine things too much. Like most of Butler’s books, the interiority of the characters as they navigate hostile environments and make difficult decisions are

Here to say that Octavia Butler is fucking amazing and all her books should be (competently) adapted into every medium so as to expose her writings to larger audiences.

The book sure is good! But it does depict the cruelties of slavery very vividly. The point is so powerful, though, that we, modern Americans of all races, are all kindred.

I love Octavia Butler and I can’t wait for this show. Glad it sounds like they pulled it off.

One of the things I loved about the book was how well Butler showed the system of slavery was evil and it corrupted everyone. Slavery wasn’t perpetuated by just “bad” people. It was enforced and continued by people who considered themselves to be good. People who could be sympathetic and human. That was illuminated in

I’m very, very excited. It’s my favorite book. And Interview with the Vampire taught me that networks still have the ability to adapt material in a worthwhile, interesting, and entertaining way.

As the child of a parent with seemingly less severe and definitely less public mental crisis events, this was definitely my experience. My mother’s mental health issues led to a permanent rift between us, to such a degree that when she did finally die about 5 years ago, I was honestly relieved. (Still haven’t shed a

Dude straight-up fucking sucks. Don’t care dead mom. Don’t care neurodivergent (I am, many of y’all are, etc., and we don’t manage this shit). Dude sucks.