Col. Mustard

I hope they tackle Asian drivers too!

I'm afraid she's done. They stopped trying to find a niche for her during her second episode as a cast member.

I'm so glad we live in a world where we can have a sketch about a glory hole in American network television.

Yeah, but what exactly is a Street Fighter?

Maybe they forgot to add that Sheen is playing a 90 year-old?

I'm sure he'll be very Leni-ent to her face.

Finally someone in this film they can nominate!

Thank you. It baffles me to see reasonably intelligent people being excited about this. Everyone should've realized the show was schmaltzy, sanctimonious crap by the time they were 12.

If you're looking for an apartment in Manhattan starting in June, get in contact with Sasheer Zamata.


I'm glad there's a female director who makes films that are popular, expensive and profitable. That said, I haven't brought myself to watch any of Nancy Meyers' films since The Holiday. Also, I miss Penny Marshall. A lot.

God knows what millennials are naming their kids.

I like his optimistic 37 for when they start making actresses matronly.

I've had a thing for Liev Schreiber for nearly two decades and the shirtless underneath an apron thing worked for me on so many levels. Thanks, SNL!

She's done that in the past. Like that weird video game sketch from the Chris Pratt episode which I'm sure was just an excuse to violently make out with him.

I suppose Sasheer is already apartment hunting wherever she's relocating after being fired, right?

Something tells me he's overcompensating for something else being below average.

What do people with low self-steem and social anxiety use to get a date these days? I thank the gods I somehow tricked someone into liking me before these apps became commonplace.

My ex-boyfriend was a scumbag before he even dropped the n!

My friend says he's already starred in some adult… dramas.