Col. Mustard

Or at least adapt one of poor Anne’s books, for crying out loud.

I think we’ll get peace on the Middle East before this whole Kinja thing is fixed.

I thought we were over pretending Barb was little more than a plot point for another character's development.

At least they won't have to create a new one for the pirated Chinese DVDs.

There's going to be a vigil at Albert Square at 6 pm today.

These two should've never been allowed to be around kids, let alone parent them. There are plenty of videos a million times worse than the "stomach-churning" one where the girl gets slapped (and the youngest boy is usually the target/victim)

She's every woman.

I read the script and I could see Madonna throwing her lawyers at the producers to prevent it from being made.

It's the largest Patriots visit to the White House both in person and around the globe. Period.

I agree with all of this. Somehow he never really seemed comfortable in live sketches. He also leaned on mugging A LOT (I've seen him do the face in the thumbnail a million times) and the one original character of his that was memorable included a ton of breaking.

He put those five hundred dollah to good use.

Uh-oh. The honeymoon is over?

Bowling Green is people!

The AV Club

I'm happy this'll be filmed so more people can enjoy it. Saw this a couple nights ago and it's really amazing. I also got to accidentally meet Gethard afterwards and my love for him has gone through the roof.


As silly and downright baffling as the Academy's choices can be, I still think the one film per country rule is a good idea. Sometimes having a bigger pool to choose from (such as with the BAFTAs or Golden Globes) results in just having the same countries or directors nominated over and over again because the voters

I was one of those weirdos who totally got why Angela liked Jordan but dreamed about finding a Brian Krakow.

No, silly. It means they're doing it without a condom.

I know some people (especially Americans) go hmm at her nickname, but the Scary moniker was given to her because she was your typical brassy, outspoken northern lass which is an England thing with zero race implications. I can confirm they're scary as fuck, no matter the age.