Col. Mustard

I wanted to feel fancy. Is that a crime?

There goes my one clean pair of pants.

Yeah, I thought about that too. On the plus side, she only has three more weeks white knuckling it.

I think my neighbors might complain about my very loud gay gasp when Charlotte Rampling's name was announced. I know the Oscars are trivial but she's always been very underrated and it's nice to see her getting mainstream recognition for a very small British film weeks before she turns the big 7-0.

HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS?! The first twenty seconds I was like "hey, it's not that bad" but then the cringe was turned up to eleven. Now I get why people are shocked when they learn I play games.

Zach Braff, is that you?

Do you think religious paraphernalia carries itself?

There are plenty of websites that cater to your interests. Oh wait, you said talk!

Frank Stallone.

I'm really glad there's finally an overexposed, overrated female filmmaker out there. For the record, I do think she's a decent director but goodnes gracious is she on the news ALL THE TIME or what.

Middle of Nowhere is really, really good.

Kyle Mooney deserves a medal just for being willing to take his shirt off next to Ryan Gosling.

That character has clearly been hanging out with Rebecca Larue.

That's SNL for you. One week you're in a ton of sketches and the next you're back to being an extra. Jon Rudnitsky had a very strong debut episode and the following week he was only in one sketch where he had no lines.

Kill nostalgia with fire, please.

Yeah, it's a shame it was cancelled at its peak. I'm sure it could've kept going for years and years without losing any of its quality.

I'm so excited about the upcoming sassy grandma phase of her career. 2018 will be a great year for her.

I'm sure someone out there wants to be the person who makes sure no one trips over cables.

I just hope she doesn't drop her French cigarette in the process.

Having an alleged domestic abuser hosting a holiday special is just what I need to get into the holiday spirit. Thanks, Fox!