Col. Mustard

Jost gets a lot of shit in here but Michael Che's constant smirking, chuckling and ad-libbing is what makes Update nearly unwatchable for me. At least this week he didn't fuck up any of his punchlines.

He'll probably be mostly benched because Amy and Tina are probably bringing Seth Meyers and Jimmy Fallon with them.

Like her or not, Leslie Jones has been a stand-up since the late 80s. I think that counts as hard work.

I don't know, but many people would say heil no to killing a small child.

There's also the possibility of re-runs. Or a disturbingly premature sexual awakening.

In the gap between Kenan starting his SNL run and last night's show, Elizabeth Banks has gone from struggling actress playing second fiddle to Madonna and Mariska Hargitay to sought-after, reliable presence on film and TV. She's also started a promising producing and directing career. What I meant to say is that Kenan

Can someone please start hyping Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt's next season so Jane Krakowski can finally host?

Jack Donaghy, you bastard.

I was going to say they'll probably make him play a mute but this is brilliant and I love you.

I've always found him unfunny and one-note but I'm rooting for the guy.
However, this is SNL and the writers will probably be unable to work around his current limitations so I expect a whole lot of bad cringe.

I like that he's clearly MVP material yet for whatever reason (be it SNL's internal politics, the guy not being overly ambitious or his being busy doing other things) they seem to have a bit of restraint about putting him everywhere. If he were to dominate the show people would find him annoying very quickly.

Is anyone still waiting for Jay to find his groove outside of celebrity impressions at this point?

I think she knows she's not a great actress. I don't think she even intended to become an actress. Her own show is mostly ensemble sketches and she takes a backseat often. She's a stellar writer and stand up though.

He's wonderful and I'm so happy he's seemingly everywhere these days.

I think I still have a slight crush on Devon Gummersall thanks to my huge crush on Brian Krakow.

Fuck those guys? In my dreams!

Will the ticking bomb be heavily sedated?

Kanye West and the voices in his head.

I'm offended over the assumption that French fries are not fine dining.

The invisible protection cloak thing in Crash is still one of the most offensively stupid things I've ever seen.