Col. Mustard

She's pretty cool and I enjoy her in interviews. I'm also a huge champion of female directors. Finding Punisher: War Zone irredeemably terrible was almost soul crushing for me.

Punisher: War Zone was equal parts action and cheesy, embarrassing sitcom humor.

I hope Essie Davis gets to play one of the girls' mom or something. She's brilliant.

Did you get mad when someone wearing a crucifix spoiled The Passion of the Christ for you?

I remember it being pretty big in Spain too. This and Lost got my parents to watch series again after nearly a decade saying they had no patience to follow a weekly show.

I transferred to another university during my last year so my schedule was a mess as it was made up of classes from different years. A girl in one of the first-year classes said pretty much the same thing you did, only with tape recorder.

I had a dream about him two nights ago. I should stop there.

It's quite interesting as it covers a lot of Serial's blind spots. They sometimes get lost on the legal lingo though. Also, one of the women's diction is borderline unbearable but it gets better after the first couple of episodes (there were a lot of complaints about this on their Facebook page)

It's always in the conservatory.

Go home 20th Century Fox, you're drunk.

You're not. I remember turning to my boyfriend during the first few minutes of the first Thor and going "now this is why they hired Branagh!".

You're maybe right, but I keep hoping for Branagh to at least tackle King Lear and The Winter's Tale. And a miniseries/limited series adaptation of the histories by him would surely be amazing.

Lynne Ramsay worked on her own The Lovely Bones adaptation for years. I'm sure it would've been substantially better.

I much prefer the conservatory.

Oh, god. Fuck Twilight. A girl in one of my college classes was asked to describe some of the classic character traits of vampires in literature and without a trace of irony she said "a popular, handsome young guy".

Apparently his paternal family comes from a small village in Spain very close to the even smaller village where I'm from. I think my childhood friends could make excellent extras in an …of the Dead film. Don't start abusing drugs at 13, is all I'm saying.

My cats love to lounge in the sink. The light switch is on the wall next to the sink so it's not unusual for me to be startled to death when it's dark and I reach out to turn the light on and I feel a tiny, pillowy paw tapping my hand to say hello.

Oh yeah, those books are awesome. Also the one Biskind wrote about the rise of indie film in the late 80s and early 90s (Down and Dirty Pictures) is a great read.

I was hoping that Kenan being everywhere would lead to the announcement of his departure during the goodnights. When that didn't happen I googled his name and now I want to cry. Here's to another 12 seasons!