Col. Mustard

Beautiful blue eyes.

God has abandoned us.

Leslie Jones has a huge movie coming out in July 2016. That's much more important than any #brand. I do agree Sasheer is probably leaving though.

16 year-old me surely tolerated his minute-long shirtless scene.

Aren't you overreacting a bit? Marvel is in talks with a woman to direct only one film of the dozen or so they have in development. Yes, there's still a very long way to go to satisfy the 'outrage brigade'.

They have a fair point. Men only get to have 71% of leading roles in movies!

Give a minority woman the opportunity to direct a film about a woman or a minority! And the sad thing is that this is actually fucking amazing news.

Man, I totally agree about Disney sitcoms turning kids into monsters. A couple years ago a really sweet 7 year-old girl in one of the after-school classes I taught started being a nightmare seemingly out of the blue. Another girl in the class told me that the she was imitating the lead 'popular girl' character in a

It was Spain's revenge to the world for losing its colonies.

Kenan Thompson says hello!

Well, it wasn't just a random mistake. She tweeted a picture during Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day, whose goal was to "affirm a business that operates on Christian principles and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values we espouse". And IMDb tells me she's recently been in Christmas movies and

The Brady Bunch Movie was actually quite funny and self-aware. I really doubt the Full House team is capable of any of that.

She may not be as outspoken but she's still a bigot. She's a proud supporter of Chick-fil-A, for example.

I love how Candance Cameron is fine with a family show about a widowed woman who lost her own mother when she was a child living with two other women but would probably freak out if they made one of those characters a lesbian or one of those divorced whores.

Pretty much everyone who hosts the show does it because they have a show/movie/album to plug. But hey, I'm all for legends hosting too.

I'd suggest anyone who's sick of Leslie Jones to take a very deep breath and be patient because Lorne's going to keep her for at least two more seasons.

I'd say Che's case is worse. In Leslie Jones' defense, at least she can attest her flubs/nervousness to having no previous sketch experience. In addition to his well-documented fuck ups, Michael Che cannot help but chuckle at his own jokes and audibly laugh at Jost's. He also seems to think it's essential to add an

It's surprising how shitty it was given that the first time he impersonated him in the Drake episode he was actually quite good.

I hope Natalie Portman is able to float like a butterfly, sting like a bee and clean herself like a fly.

I don't get the love for Jane the Virgin. I only decided to check it out after seeing it routinely getting A grades on this site. I know what it's supposedly parodying but after a while it became an actual soap opera. And that love theme music is so fucking annoying and overused. On the other hand, yay diversity!