Col. Mustard

The 'lack of experience' excuse is such bullshit. They've been giving out $150 million blockbusters to 30 year-old guys with only a moderately well-received indie film and a couple music videos to their name for years.

I can't wait for the episode where they review this movie.

I always say "I keep forgetting I'm in the Colonies" whenever I get nervous when I'm driving.

Mrs. Doubtfire's response to the letter at the end is awesome.

I agree with you and I know Netflix is a pretty good deal (hence why I can't wait to finally get to have it. I just hope they're able to sign whatever deals they need to offer a decent library; over four years after its inception, still fucking sucks).

People who watch bullfights don't even know what a computer is.

I hope you're right. I don't think most of my fellow citizens believe that though.

I don't think so, really. The vast majority of people won't pay for something they've been getting for free for years. Also, some shows and films never fucking get here for some reason. I watched the entirety of Parks and Recreation online, and got the DVDs from

They also announced they're coming to Spain, a country in which a recent survey revealed that almost 88% of all digital content consumed in the country had been downloaded through illegal means. Netflix already cancelled their plans to expand here a couple years ago because of this. I truly hope they don't back down

When my parents visited me when I was studying in Copenhagen, we asked a fellow tourist to take our picture. He obliviously took the photo with the camera pointing at himself. My mom did include that photo in the album of the trip she made.

A Michelle MacLaren-Lexi Alexander lunch would be GLORIOUS. I'd pay to be there.

Yes, she's awesome. It's pretty baffling she's done so much great work on TV but she hasn't directed a movie since 1998.

That's the first thing I thought too. The shittiest thing if she is indeed replaced by a guy will be all those sexist trolls that will go 'See? Chicks can't handle big movies!'.

I'm from what it's believed to be a predominantly Catholic country but I've always been amazed by some people's capacity to get outraged by the stupidest things. Check out the Dove Foundation's movie reviews, in which you'll be duly warned about such execrable language as 'shut up' or demonic practices such as 'rude

At least she's better than John Mayer.

I thought the second part of your comment would go in that direction.

Jenny Slate is pretty awesome.

I much prefer her sidesplitting turn in Body of Evidence.

I fucking hated it. I really liked Love is Strange (and Weekend) though.

I suppose you haven't seen Short Term 12. She's the lead in that and she absolutely crushes it.