Col. Mustard

Thank you, thank you.

Whenever I want to playfully annoy my boyfriend I just need to say 'homeopathy' (he's a pharmacist)

I know I'm probably the only one who feels this way but I missed Noël in the Back Home Ballers video. She was great in the Christmas one last year.

Kenan is right there, dude.

My parents still have that envelope in which I wrote the password for them when I left home years ago. Notes like "lower case L, not number one" or "zero, not o" were necessary.

The Wedding Planner is surely next in line in this ongoing 2001 comedy revival.

Where does one sign up to milk Chris Pratt's popularity? I'm asking for a friend.

Yeah, I totally agree. Whenever Kathy acts 'desperate' is a completely calculated move (she knows she's being ridiculous but she's playing the game) whereas Valerie is a bit of a sad attention-seeking has-been.

One of the (many) reasons why I remain skeptic about this film is it turning into a shameless attempt at selling a soundtrack full of current pop tunes with a couple oldies thrown in to keep the parents happy. That and reducing Snoopy to some sort of Scrat-like goofy sidekick.

Damn, that scene at Jane's house almost had me saying "forget Poehler, give this woman an Emmy!". Also, I kind of dream about living in an isolated placed surrounded by rescue animals.

As a Spanish native, I too suffer the torture of listening to some actors struggling to recite dialogue in a language they know but probably have never really used. Just last week Nicholas Gonzalez did that in Modern Family.

I find it hilarious that Lisa Kudrow and Kathy Griffin are friends and how both The Comeback and My Life on the D-List premiered in the summer of 2005. I've always thought there's a tiny bit of Kathy in Valerie.

I see your point. I think Val's problem is that she's always trying to come across as 'nice' for the cameras and that's why she's so erratic around a sardonic asshole like Paulie G. He makes her nervous and lose her balance.

But it IS insanely quotable! Although it's true that some out of context quotes might not work.

Over the past few weeks, every negative comment about Che was flagged. Check some of the past reviews and you'll see it for yourself.

You don't get to choose what's offensive or oppresive to me. Check your privilege.

Leslie Jones really knows who that Hemsworth guy is (have a look at the goodnights)

Beware of the Che Army of comment flaggers.

It's not just you. This season has only had one female host so far, which only adds to the problem. I hope having an actress host next week (one known for comedy, too!) helps the cause.