Col. Mustard

Those two didn't hit me until I was much older and moved to a different city and my youthful cynism left way to me actively missing my parents like crazy.

She has a lifetime pass for me since she wrote "Smallest Park" for Parks and Recreation, which was probably the first time I was moved to tears by a live-action comedy show (I shouldn't have to say which animated comedy show episode made me cry, should I?)

Man, that really sucks. We could exchange horror stories for days. Just keep up the good work. You're awesome.

But I thought butts were for fags?

It'd be creepier if they said that while having their fists in a more inconvenient place.

They just want to be able to say they're not sexist since they let a woman direct one of their ten planned films. PROGRESS. Hey, at least they tried.

Yeah, although at least he's worked in the franchise before and has quite a lot of experience as a producer and writer. In my gamblemeter, he's one or two steps below MacLaren and about a hundred and ten above the names I mentioned. I also think that whether Orci's film is a hit he'll get the keys to whatever other

I'm still super happy and excited about this and MacLaren is a very exciting choice. However, the cynic in me can't help but think that it's a bit jarring how hiring an award-winning female producer and director with over two decades experience is seen as something of a gamble or 'a brave choice' whereas they've been

She prefers to call them Serious Contemporary Dramas, if you don't mind.

I agree not everyone will adopt thoughtlessly (#notalladoptions, anyone? No?) but this kind of shows can make people get carried away and go all sentimental and say yes when they clearly don't know what it's like to have a dog at home. It happens at adoption fairs all the time, so my reasoning is that a

Also, pets can be a great way to stop spending money on stupid shit you don't need as any potential disposable income goes to the pets' 'checkups and just in case' fund (or at least in my quite tight household it does)

Fostering a dog is the greatest thing you can do. Yes, it's a bit sad when they get adopted but it's great to contribute to their rehabilitation. I can't wait to do it again.

I loved it but I thought Valerie was a little too desperate and out of touch, more so than on Season 1. But I remain excited about what she's going to go through during the season. Man, I'm torn! Kudrow is excellent but I also want Amy Poehler to win an Emmy for playing Leslie Knope (that is if Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Lovely interview. I've always liked her a lot. She was hilarious in Barney's Version and it's a shame she didn't get her second Best Supporting Actress nomination for it. She needs to do more larger-than-life characters like that.

This movie made me angry. The whole thing falls apart at the 15-minute mark and it gets dumber and dumber as it goes along to the point that you can't even say "well, at least it was entertaining".

Pocahontas kind of earned its right to be preachy as it is based on a pretty terrible true event.

You need to show them both Lilo & Stitch.

Thank you. I work with children so I see this pretty much every time we happen to watch a 'girly' movie. I remember two five year-old boys who were fucking mesmerized while watching The Little Mermaid but as soon as the film finished and without anyone asking them about it they were compelled to say out loud they

I'm praying Inside Out is a hit so we can get more female-led Pixar films. I'm also dreading the articles and think-pieces about it possibly underperforming because its protagonist is a girl.