Colonel Mustard

Isn't that book the best? My copy is worn to rags from reading it so much.

It's like…imagine if your stepsister had a cleaning lady. And you're sure she's a lovely woman and don't wish harm upon her, but in the grand scheme of things, she doesn't seem to be anyone special.

Yeah, they're in the pocket of Big Sanity. Sad!

The latest Code Switch podcast is an extremely thoughtful, measured conversation about this whole mess. Recommended!

"Aaaaand, the freelance shame squad is there."

It's so glaringly obvious how bad an idea this was. I can't decide if the author/editor are leaning more towards craven or stupid.

Well, I'm just glad we're past that awful period that straight people brought up gay people only to denigrate and mock them.

I'd love to hear what the red flags were for you at that job.

Or if the camera is shaking so much that pretty much anything could be taking place on-screen.

I mostly agree with you. I just think Wolf of Wall Street is a textbook example of those movies that try to have it both ways. (Funny Games would be another iconic offender.)

Well, and this has nothing to do with Suicide Squad or Margot Robbie so apologies for that - that movie also depicts a scene where a woman sells her dignity by having her head shaved for the amusement of others. It's played as isn't-this-awful, but by the same token, the filmmakers hired an actress that got her head

Or Five Nights at Freddy's?

He just seemed amazed that those two flavors would work together in general, and it made me laugh, since it's familiar to every kid in America.

On the most recent episode of "The Great British Baking Show", one of the judges was marveling - MARVELING - that a contestant was using the daring and unheard of flavor combination of…peanut butter ice cream and grape jam.

Angela Flournoy's "The Turner House" was my favorite of last year.

And specifically, "More Dates for Kay".

They're right about it actually being a really good show.

I cahn't telllll you what a pleasure it is to make this news' acquaintance.

Once again, the conservative, sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor.

Like pursuing acting.