Colonel Mustard

Jesus, just stream Roseanne. What's up with this "collection" bullshit?

"Lady Holiday, will you be hiring any more pigs?"

I'm sick of parallel Colonel Mustard lording his pith helmet over me.

Every time I plant my hands on the ground, flip forward, and grab a guy with my thighs, he just winds up getting the wrong idea. Thanks for nothing, Mortal Kombat!

It's always so refreshing to watch a fight where no matter who loses, you win, because you have an equal amount of disdain for everyone involved.

Ana sounds right up my alley. I'm really looking forward to trying her out.

I generally agree with Dan on this score, but I just read your comment twice, and crap, you're right. Nice catch.

All of what you say is true, and yet… This is difficult to explain. I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, but can see what her fans like about her music (except Bad Blood - feh). She's got some legitimately catchy tunes, and shouldn't be any more objectionable than any other pop sensation.

Her speaking voice?

I love WHAS, but must upvote a perfectly-used Futurama reference.

Easy A, absolutely. Such a great movie.

Someone desperately needs to choose "The Pina Colada Song" for this column, because ugh.

"Mom, we live in Michigan!"

I'm generally a very rule-abiding fellow, but I can't remember the last time I played any of the Sims franchise and didn't eventually reach a point where I'm like "I'm tired of being poor! Deploy motherlode!"

My friends and I are still talking about More Dates for Kay. That was possibly the most amazing short I've ever seen.

Counterpoint: Where have you visited (not where you live) that had the nicest people?

Here ya go!

If I'm feeling particularly unskilled (so…like 75% of the time?), I just select Mercy or Lucio and run around doing my best to keep the damage dealers alive. Then nobody cares if your aim is crap.

Sure. I just don't take it personally, because I know that the majority of people who dislike this "sportsball" thing are equally dismissive of some other broad form of entertainment.

But by the same same token (this token is getting a lot of use), the AV Club publishing an article about how people shouldn't snarkily make fun of something they don't happen to enjoy is…really something.