Colonel Mustard

He was just following the protocol.

Hmm…gonna go "yes" on that one.

I've been thinking about this. Why isn't every show filmed and eventually released, either as a Fathom Event, a DVD, streaming on Netflix/Hulu, whatever?

She's very good in Lady Dynamite, and I liked her bit in Trainwreck, too, but yeah, that stand-up act is… Let's go with your very polite "isn't for me".

wtf is starwipe lol

Really great analysis, Mike.

Are all the characters available from the get-go, or is this like a Heroes of the Storm thing where there's a rotation of free ones, but you have to earn your way to "owning" each one?

Actually, I found the first question to be the most interesting, and I'm glad Dan kind of took her to task. I'm cutting her some slack because she's so young, but yeah, she's now reached a point in her life that "I'm not going to participate in your wedding activities if she's there" isn't cute. It's your friend's

"Sir, why is there an oven in your living room?"

This is on my Top 10 List of favorite movies, and I am only slightly ashamed of that. It's weird that the soundtrack doesn't seem to be anywhere.


Yes, but it also led to your crippling flav-o-fibes addiction.

That makes sense. I was just anxious that I was wasting their time on a non-emergency, but I'm glad they covered their bases.

I once called non-emergency police for a fender bender and they told me to hang up and call 911, even though everyone was fine and I don't believe traffic was even impeded. And the 911 dispatcher seemed okay with it, too. It was weird.

I love No One Lives Forever 2, but that stealth mission in India had me inventing a whole new language made up entirely of cursing.

My take on Mary Cassatt kills at parties.

Why is it taking forever? They should rush more.

Yo momma's so fat, she has smaller fat women orbiting around her.

There is no way he could've come up with the genius of "Watermelon! Ta-daaaaaaaaaaa!"

Aaah! Mango Liquid Refreshment!