Colonel Mustard

And the best thing about her is…she knows how to take a good punch.

Those shirts were suuuh cyuute.

It was both. She wasn't written well, and there was zero point in spending so much time with her after…well, you know.

Everyone just stop for a minute and read that comment in Pearl's voice. You're welcome.

As STL seems like it'd be a basketball town

I know I'm risking AV Club cred to not bag on NBC, but…Superstore is actually pretty good.

Ditto. It's a serious affliction, but I still get that mini-rush from getting that last feather or mosaic piece or whatever.

God, no wonder I never got very far in that game. (I'm always a mage.)

No, there IS…or no, there ISN'T?!?!

Just give me a clear answer: Is there someone else in the house or isn't there, yes or no?

I completely agree that this is the second-worst episode of the season, but am not too fussed about it getting a B+ when it deserves a B-

This episode will definitely drag my season grade down into the B or B+ range.

Well, Dixit and Clue are about my favorite things ever, so I am definitely looking into that. Thanks!

I actually like fright and tension - just not being grossed out. It's a fine line to walk when it comes to movies, too.

I know it's weird to bring up a game I haven't even played, but while I never tackled Until Dawn myself (I'm a gore wuss), I found it endlessly fascinating to read and talk about.

Fuck yeah, Great British Baking Show! My letter grades are given as sort of a representation of how well a show achieves what it's trying to do, and I believe it was my sole A+ of the year, because even my favorite comedies and dramas had something to nitpick a little.

I agree with every word you just said (I gave it a B as well). Trouble is, there are a ton of solid A shows on the air right now, and Master of None is taking a spot on the Best Of list that should have gone to something else.

"Mona Champagne"? You must have made that up.

I alluded to this in the Part 1 article, I am all for a diverse landscape on TV, and Aziz Ansari seems like a really cool guy, but Master of None does not deserve the critical tongue-bath it's been getting. It's not a bad show by any stretch, but aside from "Indians on TV", it wasn't anything special.

I haven't had much issue with anyone's lists so far, but I will say that Master of None is the most over-praised show of the year. I agree it might show up, though. (Entertainment Weekly certainly slobbered all over it in their best-of issue.)