Colonel Mustard

Before a couple of weeks ago, I'd never seen a single frame of Steven Universe. I noticed the first season was on Hulu and gave it a shot, and over the course of the first five eps or so, I thought "So it's about an obnoxious kid who yells all the time? Why is this getting so much internet love?"

Choosing a favorite book, movie, and song should be relatively simple for 2015. Trying to narrow down my favorite TV will be agony. Your list is superb.

Move That Body: Because gender-swapping Very Bad Things will fix all that movie's problems!

I really enjoy "In the Heights" a lot, but even I was like "Jesus, if money's so tight and she can't fit in at Stanford, send her to NYU, dummies!"

Willow. Vamp Willow. Willow pretending to be Vamp Willow. Vamp Willow pretending to be Willow.

I do use a lot, but also enjoy having a canon of cookbooks. Internet recipes are convenient, but can be tossed up on the web with no editing or testing.

Anyone wondering about that disparate talent level between these American competitors and the British competitors just has to take a look at Ainslie's tiramisu cake, which was an ugly, uneven mess…and won.

I was really shocked that she got such a prominent credit, because her role was…nothing.

I think you'd also enjoy The Turner House by Angela Flournoy. It'll probably wind up being my #1 of the year.

You want to really blow up your library hold list? The NPR book list this year just exploded mine:

You know what this room needs? A plant.

I think you mean Mary-Anne.

I liked traveling with her until she started disliking every conversation I had with another woman. (Cait, that is.)

"Score one for me!"

I know the show isn't specifically Christmas-related, but c'mon: Iced cookies, gingerbread houses, etc. It's definitely going for a Christmas feel. So I'm really, really hoping that Lauren just keeps turning things out like rugelach and wins the whole damn thing.

They look pretty challenging. Experimental cooking/baking is my hobby, but those look easy to ruin.

Huh, that's interesting. I'm always the most interested in the Technical, so that sounds like it'd be right up my alley. But why make a 45-minute show?

I cannot overemphasize how terrible a decision that was. Anyone who stops to think for three seconds about what fans of GBBO like about it and what fans of Jeff Foxworthy like about him would know that never the twain should meet.

We spent the entire first evening of Eldritch Horror attempting to understand the rules. Once you've got them down, though, it goes a lot quicker, and is really fun.

"Diversity. Good for us!"