Colonel Mustard

THAT'S where I've seen that face! Thank you.

Solas is a pill. Go for Cassandra! (If I play through again, I'm going for an Iron Bull romance, though.)

I know. I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall when they decided that THAT'S the title they were running with.

There are only 6 half-hour episodes of Scrotal Recall on Netflix, and they fly by. Don't let the awful title fool you; it's actually a really charming show.

I sing that to myself ALL THE TIME.

I'm cautiously optimistic. But hey, if it doesn't wind up appealing to us, no big deal. It's like the new Muppets show. It doesn't fit into what I like about the Muppets as a whole, so I just ignore it and watch The Great Muppet Caper for the billionth time instead.

I haven't played it in months, but I'm reluctant to delete it from my phone for some reason.

Really? Cool!*

Patricia Clarkson would be my dream Mrs. Hubbard.

Hey! Uncalled for!

"Will you be hiring any more pigs?"

There's a YouTube video of a comedian breaking down the Friends song as a single you might enjoy:

Hey, be fair! The melody of that song is just as terrible as the lyrics!

Ditto for TV shows. It's not that I don't believe someone when they say "Oh, you bailed? But it gets much better after episode 6!" - but if a show can't pull its shit together by episode 3, I'm (generally) not going to stick around.

It's post-bomb - should still be there!

I tend to like games with some very tight "go here, do this, dummy" structure - at least at the beginning, if not through the entire game. That's part of the reason I like Dragon Age: Inquisition so much. In comparison, Fallout 4 has no safety net. It's so vast, and I'm still wandering around Sanctuary, wondering how

I just got access to some of the Rifftrax shorts via Hulu, and strongly recommend How to Use the Calendar. I've been singing "We're having extra fun, cause Karen isn't here!" out loud to myself for a week now.

Jack Taylor has got a great place!

The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!

Those creatures in Labyrinth…when one of them sticks his fingers into his eyes, PULLS THEM OUT, AND SWALLOWS THEM?