Colonel Mustard

There was a set of twin statues at Franco's tomb in Spain, and I almost couldn't bring myself to walk between them.

The Babadook and The Others should be all right for you. I'm a giant wuss, and I could handle them. (Plus, they're great!)

When he was here in STL, I called him "The Breadstick". I think he'd break his ankle if someone looked at him cross-eyed.

Will they be playing tape of her voice? I worry that you don't have enough aspirin on hand.

I'm really pleased his recovery is going so well. That said:

I really want a Jocelyn-centric episode at some point.

Please take your hand away from your face and say that again.

Sure, link to everything except the one article that not only first reported this, but contained the Agatha Christie Porn Title thread:

It's just a rinse with some egg whites and yak urine.

Twilight Re-imagined: The Quest for a Sixteenth Minute of Fame

OK, but who's going to play her fat blond friend and her pseudo-lesbian cousin?


If you don't care about video, you can listen to the whole episode as a podcast the next morning.

There's a ton missing from the "Leaving" titles, thanks mostly to what I think is an expiring deal with Epix. So…check your lists. Vigilance, people!

Hey! As a Missourian, I must say…

I still use "arachnidiot" all the time. (Walking into an invisible spider web and immediately flailing around as if your clothes have just caught on fire.)

Don't be a heel.

It's especially sad, because it's a good show except for one problem, also named Poehler.

No joke - I did that last year.

I do still have that horse from when I was Catherine the Great.