One MIGHT even argue that if the only reason you’re NOT a raping murderous psychopath is because you’re afraid of consequences AFTER you die - then you MIGHT not actually even be a good person even if you’re NOT out there murder-raping everyone!
One MIGHT even argue that if the only reason you’re NOT a raping murderous psychopath is because you’re afraid of consequences AFTER you die - then you MIGHT not actually even be a good person even if you’re NOT out there murder-raping everyone!
I might be inclined to agree with you, if there weren’t actual humans making death threats to this “influencer” based on the fact that they are... trans. That feels less like a grift and more like... just supporting someone who has the worst America has to offer aimed at them (and I’m not just talking about Bud…
Arbeit Macht Dicke Titten!
They must be a sever at a restaurant that specializes in British cuisine! They LOVE a good Spotted Dick!
Great, now we need the Exoprimal/Simpsons: Hit & Run crossover.
So what you’re telling us is that... you’re already “pretty fluent” in Spanish, but you’re still grinding out points. That’s... something.
Seriously. Also:
I was going to check the temp of the comments before I made a similar “WUT” comment.
So they tell us that this sea lion will complete the maze, be rewarded with a herring, and do a happy dance. But in the video, they show the sea lion complete the maze, get a “Good boooyyyy!” and then receive the herring - ONLY FOR THE VIDEO TO END BEFORE THE HAPPY DANCE.
He’s stuck trying to 100% Power Wash Simulator and he knows that if his team mates find out, they’ll waste their own money buying him actual power washing equipment he will never use, because it’s not actually as soothing as the game!
Reminder: Banks are not your friend. Steal their money.
It’s... a remake. Not a new game. You can only tweak SO much before scrapping it all and just making a new game. You really can’t blame a remake for not being a new game with new characters. I understand the desire, but you still have to join us here in actual reality. It’s not like there’s a shortage of new games…
Weegee’s not in SM64, either, but THAT’s in this list.
I love how Nintendo eventually turned the “Y CANT METROID CRAWL” meme into in-game fact.
Huyang clan aint nuthin’ ta fuck wit.
In response to Morino’s post, several other big content creators chimed in. “Not good for them considering they’re releasing a new game soon and many content creators will popularize it even more and may choose not to create videos around it,” wrote Kittyplays. “Nintendo detected fans having fun and they can’t have…
The death of one Jedi is a tragedy. The explosion of a planet is a statistic.
I look forward to the videos of frat boys doing shots from thirty feet apart. I bet getting shot in the mouth with one of these is unpleasant, so adding alcohol to the equation should improve the entertainment value by no less than 25%!
Also Sony: Hey, that WiiU was pretty dynamite. Let’s make our own!
I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to the person who shot a YouTube Prank Show Host. I am sorry that you wasted a perfectly good bullet on this waste of oxygen. Prank Shows are worthless, and the only thing worth LESS, are the idiots that host them. May they suffer a death more humiliating than being shot…