
Yeah, that’s some real dogshit title work.  They’re using “kicked off” in the “started with a bang” sense rather than “kicked off” in the “GTFO, DAKOTA!” sense.  But there’s no context anywhere to indicate which way that ambiguous phrase is being used, so it’s now just 100% clickbait.

Honestly, I don’t think that it’s a WIDELY loved controller, it’s just that the people that love it LOVE IT DEEPLY and will never STFU about it. I never really hated it, but I never actually liked it, either.  The mini D-Pad fucking sucks, the button layout is just... not good.  And the hard octagonal stick gates

I tried to get into Andre the Giant’s wine, but they ONLY sell it by the barrel, and I don’t even know enough people to get through one of them.


If you have a picture of an ex and you send it to a friend with no ill intent, then the friend release the picture, who gets prosecuted?

Los Espookys and Paper Girls are the only ones I will actually miss. Paper Girls still needs resolution and Los Espookys needs to continue BECAUSE IT IS WONDERFUL.

Tell me you don’t understand the effects of drugs without saying, “I do not understand how drugs affect humans.”

CURSE that evil MEDIA!  They’re always out to DIVIDE everyone by accurately reporting the words that come out of my mouth!  HOW DARE THEY.

Chappelle has straight-up said in some bits that, essentially, other marginalized groups in America need to line up behind Black people before they can air their grievances. I believe he said as much in the 2016 post-election show, in the context of feminism.

Musk’s Edgelord take of “No one should be credited for anything ever” sure does sound funny, given how much effort he’s put into making sure that he’s given “founder” credit for all the companies he’s purchased.

What a depressing planet.

I think you mean “Land of the Free” because it is also the “Home of the Brave. Where the mythical “Patriots” roam in all their freeness with their bravery just a-flappin’ in the breeze.

3rd and Pine after dark? OH NO, NOT DOWNTOWN.


This whole article feels like an assignment to “drive interaction” which will then be measured by responses. So... good luck, I guess? I hope the blonde ding dongs that are driving the former GMG into the earth are paying you well enough to put up with this shit.

Look, William Ray Cyrus may have groomed his current wife when he met her on the set of his daughter’s Disney TV show. That’s gross, and even if it were somehow possible to prove that he did not groom her for his own wishes, the thing that is still undeniably putting me off is:

The horror isn’t about being possessed by demons - the true terror is being raised in a family dumb enough and religiously fervent enough to believe that it’s true and every “bad” thing you do means you need to have a demon exorcised!


Hey, does anyone else remember when the Reich Wing was all hot and bothered about Sharia Law and how we needed to fight those specific religious extremists?

Cool... breakup misery porn.