
They need to make a “Mister Chief” edition, where the start and menu buttons look like little googly eyes.

I think they should have gone with the Frank Castle Cosmic Ghost Rider! I was just... never a fan of the Johnny Blaze GR.

Yeah, I forgot all about Robbie Reyes. But I appreciate your comment because you didn’t get all Comic Book Guy on me.

Oh look, a self-important comics gatekeeper! Look, Comic Book Guy, I stopped collecting Ghost Rider back when it was Dan Ketch. I like how you want to critique my criticism by claiming I’m just an MCU fan, but then also referencing... Agents of SHIELD. It’s all the same bag.

Why does Ghost Rider look like someone set the Joker on fire? Why is he shorter than noted little person Wolverine? Who put this trailer together and how can we make sure they never do something like this again?


I don’t think Sarah Jessica Parker has ever seen Soul Food.

So are you willfully misreading what I wrote, or are you angling also for cartoonish exaggeration, the way I was?  Or are you just trying to continue the Hot Take Economy, because the Free Market Demands all takes be hot enough to melt steel?

It’s just a willful misrepresentation of Socialism to imply that it’s mandated poverty for everyone. It’s a VERY FOX NEWS slant. As long as you’re actually contributing according to your income, then guess what? You’re still participating in socialism! Ta daaaaaa.... But firm grasps on issues and calm understanding

I remember 12-year old me felt like a god damned WIZARD when I was able to open up the family computer and place a SOUND BLASTER card in there so I could hear all that great dialog from Day of the Tentacle.

I dub thee Sir Phobos, Knight of Mars, beater of ass. Be a hitter, babe.

It looks to me more like a morph ball bomb?  But I dunno, it’s not my art.

Great, so it’s not just “lawn mowing simulator” it’s actually “capitalism simulator based on yardwork.”

He’ll likely see a small bounce in popularity, but unfortunately for him, the suckers that fall for the “THEY TRYNA CENSOR ME!” grift tend to, uhhh... not like people of THE BABY’s... skin tone. Or musical profession.

Which, by SNL Standards makes it, “Current!”

For his crimes, he has been sentenced to: DEATH BY MEDIOCRITY. It will take entirely too long, but really, isn’t his suffering the point?

I dunno about that. You’re talking to someone that - as a child, owned the Disney Disco Duck LP. And anyone that was trying to play innocent to Elton John’s queerness just because he did a duet with Kiki Dee (“He’s singing to a woman not to break his heart! He CAN’T be gay!”) then they’re just willfully buying the

Propers to the taker of that lede image. Sure, it’s just a picture of the “Bank of America” logo posted on a building - but the framing, the way that the architecture has separated the “me” from the rest - it’s quintessentially “American” and that shit is subtle art.

I was actually discussing the whole “Disco Sucks” thing with a coworker recently, and he brought up - disco was also very much seen as “black music” so all the dirtbag “ROCK AND ROLLLL FOREVER MAAAAN” sleazeballs were (I’M SURE IT WAS A COINCIDENCE) on the same side as the unadulterated 100% uncut racist assholes.

OH yeah. And then we managed to elect a guy who actually TOLD people that the media were their enemy, and there were people cheering that shit on.

I thought you’d already played this one, Ash! But this line tells me otherwise: