
It’s Christian Bale in yet another transformative role! There’s NOTHING he won’t do for a part! Not only will he be bringing his star power to this version of Sex & the City, he will be performing the whole role using his Batman voice! It’s going to be UH-MAY-ZING.

While it is mathematically possible to express numbers less than zero, it is impossible to express numbers less than zero when measuring entertainment! Once a show stops being “entertainment” you begin counting upward, but this time on the quantity of suffering.

Cenobites and the City”, coming this Autumn!

Now playing

Welcome to the Internets, friend!  LOLOLOLOLOL

Gosh, it’s almost like you didn’t even read the link you posted! Nowhere on the Anti-Defamation League link does it link ACAB to White Nationalists! It mentions skinheads, but also specifically mentions that includes “traditional” non-racist skinhead groups and specifically Anti-Racist Skinheads. Jeepers, it’s almost

You don’t think that the NYPD would be concerned with what a Video Game site might have to say about their Video Game Truck?

Behold, Phylicia’s long history of Excellent Character Judgement:

For varying definitions of “good,” obviously!

The final fighter will be produced by Sakurai, and it will be a “Me Fighter”.

The lack of “Lawnmower Man” makes this entire list suspect.

They’d HAVE to, because if you include gacha and Fortnite the numbers are so low that we are all essentially Ryu by default.

I also have a bone to pick with this section:

Yeah, why aren’t they considering the feelings of these Olympic athletes, that will totally be buying and playing this game?  However will they be able to withstand the disrespect it has heaped upon them and their National Flag forehead tattoos?

Thanks for the link!

Oh, they! That’s a helpful comment. If I hop into the search on Kotaku for “preorder” I get page after page after page of... links to articles about everything with information on how to preorder. Most of it’s toys and hardware, but it’s still there.

Bonbon even suggested everyone pre-order. (Don’t ever pre-order - Ed.)

Only when he’s not in Full Brock Samson regalia, lit cigarette dangling from his lip the whole time. He never has to actually take a drag - it just has to BE THERE.

I actually bought a physical copy for the XBox1 - because I prefer to have physical copies of games. But before I could even play it, it demanded updates and a complete install. So the whole game was installed to my drive and my physical copy was already useless, except for the fact that I am now REQUIRED to have the

That front end... it looks like there’s a combination of the fancy, low-profile headlights just under the hood, but then there’s the space immediately below them with... the smaller, round... headlights? They look too small for the space they’re in, so it looks like the car was born with developmental deficiencies.

BAM!  You’re a TREE!