If I was going to “ACKSHOOOULLLYYYY” about anything, it would not be that game. I had no idea it existed. The conversation I was engaging in was more about the conversation itself. But thanks for your input.
If I was going to “ACKSHOOOULLLYYYY” about anything, it would not be that game. I had no idea it existed. The conversation I was engaging in was more about the conversation itself. But thanks for your input.
I’m not trying to get you to say that YOU need to educate someone that makes a comment that comes across shitty, but you need to communicate with the people trying to respond to you. I’m sure that being a woman on Kotaku is BOUND to keep you on the defensive, but for most people, myself included - I’ve never had any…
Nintendo’s been doing it since the 90's - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_All-Stars
1. You DID insult the person that replied to your desire for the Bayonetta-tinged TMNT game in your reply to the person who posted the video. To quote you, “Not sure what this has to do with the previous commenters lack of ability to speak to human beings.” That’s insulting, even if you didn’t make the comment…
For someone so upset with the nature of discourse on Kotaku - you’re awfully combative. No one piled on you - you said you wanted a TMNT game in the style of Bayonetta, and someone mentioned that the makers of the Bayonetta series DID make one. You never gave any indication that you already KNEW this, we were just…
Like - how can you NOT notice that every single “conversation” is based around verb conjugation? English is a sloppy mess, so I’m glad GREG and the Elder Scrolls are here to help those in need!
It’s kinda buried under the REST of all his verbal diarrhea, but he also tells on himself in a more subtle way:
Maybe they’ll meet us in the middle and just feed Jared Leto to sharks? I mean - they could put it in the movie, since there’s comic book history involved, so - it’s a twofer?
JEEEEEEZUS. Just that screenshot of his video titles is enough to curdle milk. He stans Ben Shapiro? “Bushnell did nothing wrong”? He OPPOSES NET NEUTRALITY?!?! JFC.
Dumps like a truck
I’m glad I expanded the comments because I was heading down here to make a more snarky comment.
Old age, concussion issues - same deal!
Hey, Zdeno Chara is still out there playing hockey! And he’s a couple months OLDER than you! YOU CAN STILL START THAT PRO SPORTS CAREER!
I thought I saw it, but that turned out to be Slap Shot.
If someone had told 2001 me that in 2021, on his way out of office, President Donald Trump would issue a pardon to Lil’ Wayne. Shortly after, GameStop stock would be at the center of a huge stock trading issue (because their stock was TOO VALUABLE?!?) I would have laughed myself to death.
Sorry, everyone else, but this entry beats the rest into submission: