
We’re all just warming up for the debut of the long awaited, “Ow! My balls!” tv show that will captivate audiences for years.

He thinks BLM means “Burn, Loot, and Murder” while he’s flying the traitor flag. Interesting.

Well, since they’ve proven that you can be a good person that believes on their own time in “killing them all” (like Pokemon, but edgier!) is a reasonable and not-fire-able thing to think - then no one will bat an eye when I say:

I look forward to his inevitable slip up where he turns to the camera, reads his talking points card, and says, “WHITE POWER!” Then the moderator for the first time ever - jumps up on the stage to declare the debate over and say that Pence has “won.”

Gah, I came back here because now I can’t get the concept of a DJ:FfNY remake in the style of a Marvel vs. Capcom. Using Travesty69 like anyone would use a Dan Hibiki meat shield is just... IT’S JUST. SO. BEAUTIFUL. I can see the game being broadcast in tournaments and people using Hibiki69 to absolutely clown their

How is it that you aren’t already designing this game?

The training mode where you learn each player’s moveset is all against a “Century Bob” dummy that has hammer pants stapled to the waistline and features a Vanilla Ice hairdo, eyebrow lines included.

GodDAMN, this article has a serious white supremacist infection in the comments section.  Riot Croissant has copy/pasted his same bug-fucking-stupid comment into several different posts, and another sockpuppet has been Wonder-Twin Powers exchanging stars with them to make sure they’re all out of the greys.

SHIT yes. I’m honestly excited for BOTH these shows. I kind of hope they keep the name of the Larry Wilmore show “Untitled Larry Wilmore Show”!

“Having been born three weeks ago and grown in an underground vat, I have never seen any footage of what the rest of you humans know as ‘World War 2'. I had no idea that this was the salute used by the antagonists and war criminals in that engagement. I apologize for never learning any history ever, but again, I was

Maybe it wasn’t Crystal Light, maybe someone slipped you that Flavor Aid.

Stop Shoving a Mic in Kanye’s Face When He Really Needs a Hand

Oh, come now! How could trips to the Bahamas NOT be about... *checks notes* d...defending the 2nd amendment to the United States constitution...?

If I might add an addendum to that guiding principal:

“That must be because all the commenters are sticking to SPORTZ! SUCCESS!”

“Sir, the commenters are revolting! There isn’t a SINGLE person that likes the updated layout!”

“Perfect! Let’s get started rolling this out to all the other sister sites.”

I look forward to the replies calling me a pedo with no rebuttal.

Well... think of it like ‘Lemonade’. White people liked it even if it wasn’t for them.

And YOU are welcome:

Seriously, you’d think that white people would be smart enough to just use the umlaut to avoid having that extra “E” after the “O” in BÖK HE BLUF - but I guess they just really wanted to make sure they took up as much space as possible to prove how much more they love daddy than their siblings.