Are you denying the dedication of my dear friend, Ras Trent?
Are you denying the dedication of my dear friend, Ras Trent?
Piece of Shit #5 (2nd from the right) really, REALLY thinks he’s clever. He’s the kind of dipshit that will tell you a joke with a racist “punchline,” and then when you don’t laugh, he’ll think that you just don’t “get it.”
(Amy Acker fairs okay as Beatrice, but Alexis Denisof just can’t make Benedick spring to life.)
Uhhh - downstairs from the Camel Wide Toad, is that WeeGee cosplaying as Mario and staring into a mirror?
Your honor, if I might interject!
Seasoning Salt? Who’s got time for all that?
Pramila Jayapal makes me proud to live in WA State.
That’s myopic nonsense based on macho barbecue logic.
With a sword that’s +3 against Magic Sex Demons but only if the demon in question is in its man form at the time, if it’s the lady form it’s -1 because ya don’t hit girls.
My big hope for the new XBox is that some design company comes up with a pyramid shaped cooling fan attachment that makes the whole console look like a stubby black obelisk. The new Playstation... I, uhhh....
I’m tempted to say that it’s 6 of one, half-dozen of the other.
“We have identified some individuals who have been seen with the Boogaloo boys and some Antifa groups around the area. The majority of those individuals who were there last night were Caucasian,” Smith said
Man, Ayanna Pressley’s face in that header image is everything. That’s a look that says without a doubt - somebody’s about to get TOLD.
I love how you ask that question is if there was any other possible way to watch the film! Even little kids are injecting the marijuanas into their eyeballs before they hack into the matrix to watch The Kissing Booth.
There was also the Twilight Princess bug that the guy wouldn’t leave the underground cavern where you find the cannon, so you couldn’t transport it out to the lake. I seem to recall them having to release a patch for that, too.
Come on, now - let’s not speculate on Congressman Hands’ time spent with horse dongs!