Same book, different prophets, no biggie
Same book, different prophets, no biggie
All eight of my posts have been correct. This is my ninth post and it’s also correct. I’m 9/9 on my first day on this site. Batting a hundred.
You guys just don’t like what the poll found. Not that what you are saying is invalid, any poll should reveal it’s methodology and data if it’s to be considered legit. Having said that, yeah, AOC is the face of the Democrat party now, for better or worse. Given that Socialism is still fantastically unpopular with…
Most suburbanites don’t want to burn their houses down and start from scratch. They want minor course corrections and simple, reasonable fixes to problems. They justifiably roll their eyes at various dorm room socialists telling them that they have the answer.
We will see soon what happens when things get so bad the Democratic establishment can’t gaslight enough people to hold the center (a center which has been moving right for 50 years). It’s happening right now.
I mean...given that more than a handful of the Dem pick ups in 2018 had to run against Nancy Pelosi as well as Donald Trump— up to and including pledging not to vote for her for Speaker— why would this be all that surprising (especially given your caveats)?
The New York Times got to where it is by actually having high quality journalism and high journalistic standards. They’re not “destroying themselves”. They are actually doing quite well for themselves, especially given the rapid collapse of journalism in the past decade. They are not going anywhere.
As much as I hate to see it, you’ve been right all over this thread—I don’t know where the author is getting the perspective they’re setting forth in this article, but it certainly shouldn’t come form this exchange.
He’s not some random rube unacquainted with legal questioning and interrogation. He’s not only been a USAG before, but he’s also former DOJ and CIA.
She was never going to get a whole lot out of him, and that wasn’t the primary goal. The goal was to judo his obvious evasiveness into making him look as uncredible,…
Yes. All you need to do is look at non-regulated procedures outside of the insurance universe, ie lasik and medical tourism, and watch the prices fall while quality improves while the rest of the system eats itself.
Regulation of opium derivatives is a totally separate question. People want shit like cigarettes and booze and opium, and the market will provide it.
1. Healthcare efficiencies need large populations to work. Individual consumers OR small companies aren’t cheap or efficient to insure on their own.
These are hard problems to solve for everyone in history, and the correct response to hearing everyone bitching about possible solutions is not “Jared Kushner is an idiot.”
Uh, it is. Market medicine is way cheaper than normal insano regulated medicine, which is why you have cash only medical tourism and cheap as shit Lasik. Even for serious things like joint replacements and bypasses. You also get badass innovations that allow diabetics to just wave their phone on their arm and then…
There is no way to get the market out of an industry that requires this much training, this much equipment, this much uncertainty, and this much need. The market can be pulled out of certain elements, but you absolutely want as much competition as possible to make healthcare cheaper. That’s what markets do.
Yes of course, two of the most annoying and impossible problems that have plagued decades of administrations and this FUCKING MORON can’t figure it out?
These people are fucking useless. What spineless cowards these democrats are. Its all a game to them. It seems INCREDIBLY, STUNNINGLY, AMAZINGLY obvious that this is war, when are they going to start acting like it? What simpering wimps these losers are. We deserve so much better.
I agree. I think the is where she and AOC differ. AOC clearly has a plan when she asks questions, plans that extend beyond a headline.
Exactly, but homers only see what they want to see
I mean yes and no. What i like about Trump is his honest corruption. Hes the most sincerely corrupt asshole weve had in office in forever. Its refreshing.