
CSA? What’s that supposed to mean?

“The only thing the government is good at is collecting money from the citizens and military stuff.”

Holy f*ck, what are the Chevy Truck boys smoking these days?

Username checks out.



Your roadster reminds me of this LLV. The Chrysler Imperial Parade Phaeton.

“And that’s the last we ever heard of Workhorse.”

Can you imagine the cost of replacement? Oh, the lucky taxpayers!

“Yet, it’s still just some guy on the radio.”

Middleman? It’s more like a parade of middlemen. Dealership owners, managers, salesmen, finance office thieves, and the rest of their dishonest ecosystem.

Jesus saves. Moses invests.

Candles, or nose rings?

“Why is every main page now riddled with sex toy ads/articles?

Can’t not see.

.never mind. It happens in Hong Kong.

They’re Japanese. They aren’t interested in jailing you unless you’re a Lebanese-Canadian auto executive.

What won’t I compromise on?

Cue metronomic drumbeat - boom...... boom...... boom......

OG Mini? Rear wheel drive?