There are motorcycles coming to market that do not tip when stopped. Not sure what technology (computers v. gyros) is being used.
There are motorcycles coming to market that do not tip when stopped. Not sure what technology (computers v. gyros) is being used.
“... as you don’t see a lot of blind car designers.”
I’ll bet this was an interesting article if any of the images would load.
Canadians don’t support Trump at all. None of us is that stupid.
“It is not possible to be a confederate flag enthusiast and also be “not particularly racist.””
Status Quo-o-o-o-o-o!
“Also, there were Grid Girls until Formula One finally decided to take legitimate criticism seriously and ’’
“Unpopular opinion: The first Pic is one ugly vehicle and I’d rather have the f350.”
“No one ever called anyone hoser until they started.”
Asses ≠ assess.
This is one of the Buicks made in China. I’m not supporting that, thank you very much.
His flight disappeared over the English Channel during WWII.
Neutral: The best effective and quiet replacement wiper blades are OEM. Not an OEM’s cheaper parts division. For example, buy Ford blades, not Motorcraft blades. I live a little north of the Pacific Northwest in the rain forest and OEM blades are the only ones worth their salt over time. Sure, they cost a lot more but…
Dennis Cole and Rod Taylor FTW!
The very stable genius is a nasty sort, maybe even a pedo.
For lots of people it makes sense to buy new. You get a vehicle exactly to your specification, full multi-year warranty, and the distinct pleasure of having a vehicle with unfarted-on seats. Your mileage may vary.
“Stephen Hawking is someone whose advise I could care less about when it comes to viral epidemics, and he’s a smart motherfucker.”
“Go to The Drive...”
“Or.. maybe go to The Drive. High quality commentariat there.”
“I really wish David or Andrew were writing all the content here.”