
Ralph is Raphael’s cousin. Easy mistake to make.

The list starts with American Bantam prior to WWII, then Willys and Ford during the war, then Kaiser, etc.

At Canadian Ford dealers, having a Costco membership usually allows you a $1000 rebate on your Ford purchase. Anything similar in the U.S.?

More accurately: A jack of all trades is often better than a master of one.

Agreed. I, and many others, will never buy a vehicle built in China. Period.

I was dazzled too, but it’s “we Jalops”, so no points awarded.

The cabin air filter in my ‘02 Thunderbird also filters the air for the AC. A good-quality clean filter means less load/better flow on the AC. Win!

A factory V8 B GT, in Singer-like condition, finished in 1970 Blue Royale with Rostyle wheels. I’d describe further but my penis can only get so erect.

Aaah, yes. Called the Asüna Sunfire in Canada.

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He often sported a toupee in the Nero Wolfe series.

The entire Fiat brand hasn’t sold more than 3,000 cars per month in over a year. Oh yeah, those are some real sales numbers.

The frame of the early ‘60s Imperials were hewn from one slab of steel. For this reason, those Imperials are/were banned from demolition derbies because their toughness made them win much too easily.

Dust never sleeps.

My worst convertible story?

And lip balm...

Almost 50% of all people have below-average intelligence.

I has a sad. :(

I has a sad. :(

“towing the line”