
No, “women” as a whole are neither better at nor worse at anything than men are, but each of us has our own individual strengths or weaknesses (GASP I KNOW).

Every picture of him is a dick pic.

Off topic, but this is a quote from 14 year old Rowan Blanchard. An entry for “Who Can Be The Best?”

I’m commenting for the first time in... five years?? to share my family’s ridiculous Christmas cards I Photoshop every year. To my mom’s credit she thinks this is the best thing ever, although she does also make us also take a (more) normal picture.

2 things - 1, you can be an asshole AND a rapist. 2, I’m sick of ppl acting like social media is a court of law. Unless we’re on the jury, we don’t need to wait til someone’s proven guilty to believe their (almost a dozen) accusers.

The Dukes of Hazzard never showed buns. But there was plenty of Cooter.

Yeah, it’s like being given a choice between bobbing for apples in raw sewage and sleeping with your head in a litterbox: “Um, I’ll take the cat shit, Alex.”

I know we are all probably still traumatized by the Lindsey Lohan biopic, but I would watch the ever-loving hell out of Dallas Buyers Club 2: White Diamonds.

My husband calls them “Y’all-Qaeda.”

Somebody call Dr. George Huang.

Well, on the bright side, there are different types of curry, so maybe you just haven’t found the one that you like yet (and I feel like a hypocrite here because people have tried to convince me that I just haven’t found the ‘right’ mushroom, and I insist it doesn’t exist)

If they take away my Monday morning BCO, I will beat someone with my monogrammed thermos.

He basically referred to his domestic violence cases as extortion as well. He seems to think that women holding him accountable for harming them is just them trying to steal his money.

Ha, that is brilliant in its crazitude. My weirdo restaurant will be called “Misanthropy.” The menu items will be things like “Ugly mac n cheese”, “Terrifying cake,” and “Fucked up fried food platter.”

He most popular recently - was on Game of Thrones, he is married to Lisa Bonet, all around seems to be like a good guy on top of being ridiculously gorgeous.

a Syrian passport “belonging to a man born in 1970, and an Egyptian passport had been found lying close by the bodies of two other jihadis.”

Seriously, all I could think was:

Stages of me attempting to watch this, illustrated by Prince: