I am happy to report that several times today the site has been super sluggish and throwing errors so I am pretty sure there are many people NOT submitting fraudulent reports.
I am happy to report that several times today the site has been super sluggish and throwing errors so I am pretty sure there are many people NOT submitting fraudulent reports.
Baby Boomers may have got it passed but as they are no longer the age of bearing children it is immaterial to them now so naturally many of them no longer give a shit. People are largely self serving.
My problem with that is that I don’t believe him. I firmly believe he is anti-choice but talked a tepid game when it was required. He claims to be of a faith that believes abortion is wrong. Ipso facto he believes abortion is wrong.
Infrastructure is useless to me if I don’t have rights to my own damn body.
It is a website and many people are actively making nonsense reports to clog the system already. I plan on reporting Ted Cruz daily.
The suits will be civil but I have a horrifying foreboding of women being prosecuted for their abortions.
I wish I could think that were true. Unfortunately, I live in Texas and know that the people who dont want abortions to be legal dont want them legal even at 4 ir 5 weeks. They dont want Plan B. They also don’t want gay marriage. Or immigrants. Or any number of other things. Dont think for an instant that these…
Under his freaking eye, I guess. (For context, I am a Texan. Glad for my own sake today that my uterus was removed several years ago.)
Hahahaha...riiiiiiiight. Texas doesn’t even have expanded Medicaid. And 41 Planned Parenthood centers servicing 254 counties over 268,597 square miles. So low cost birth control is basically a unicorn, rainbow, fever dream.
Gross fast food because I am scraping 80+ years of paint off my cabinets. It is going to be so awesome when I am done though and it is sure to inspire me to cook every day, right? Right!?!
I find Alex's awkwardness equal parts endearing and irritating.
As a native Texan I can confirm.
I don’t know that but I DO know that I had better cell service in Gatundu Kenya than I do in the rural areas around my home north of Houston.
Well, I did see a matatu painted with a mural of Ivanka when I was in Nairobi in August. But I also saw one with Wiz Khalifa.
You don’t even have to drink alcohol at all! I am pretty sure that the majority of people are not eidetic. Anyone who claims to remember every moment of their misspent youth is pretty much full of shit. You know what can create an indelible memory? Trauma! Being the victim of sexual assault for example.
You had me at Maricopa.
I misread the Macaulay Culkin tweet as Naomi can be whatever she wants to be! She is a strong woman/snake. Then I nodded slowly in agreement.
I am often glad cell phone cameras weren’t around for my youth. Right now not so much. I would gladly sacrifice my dignity for a preponderance of cell phone footage that would nail this rapist to the effing wall. Nothing short of that seems to be good enough for these Republican fools.
Fuck making it a film, I want to make it a campaign platform.