
I had major abdominal surgery earlier this year and despite me telling everyone that I did not want nor require opiod pain medications they prescribed it anyway. Pain management seems to be a bigger focus in medicine than actually treating the root cause and I just don’t get it. Particularly since pain, pain

My father, a somewhat recovered opiod addict is in the hospital today having paracentesis for his end stage liver disease (caused by alcoholism and hep c). They gave him morphine and he will probably get a prescription for hydracodone on his way out the door. If he makes it through the year it will be a miracle. If

This is definitely not just a “rich” problem. My little town and many of its poor residents are being eaten alive by prescription drug abuse (granted, some of its rich residents as well.) My dad, who is poor, is hospitalized right now potentially dying of liver disease. He battled heroin addiction when I was a

Well, he certainly ruins it for me.

As others have already said, it IS on Netflix. However, Netflix has been systematically removing every show on my top ten list so it may not be there for long. Walmart currently carries the gold edition box set for under thirty bucks if you want physical backup. Twin Peaks is my favorite show ever and I have drug out

I *wish* this was ridiculous enough to not be accurate.

I have been sewing my fingers off for a charity auction that is finally done and dusted. Here are some of my contributions...

Texas is its own region.

Crying, clenched fists, maybe a little tremble. I am putting fabric for the garb on my shopping list for protest purposes.

Additionally, this happened in 2014. Speedy trial my aunt fanny.

When I was eleven my appendix ruptured and went undiagnosed for a week. After several weeks in the hospital Chuck Berry’s My Ding-a-ling playing on the car ride home is one of my most vivid childhood memories. I had been close to death and that song is a kind of survival anthem for me. Thanks, Chuck.

My first reaction was who gives a shit if it is. I guess I know the answer now.

Same. Damn you, shitty reviews!

Donnie 4life.

I am adding “stamina” to the list of words that make me cringe. It is like she went down a list of what to say about a man to boost his confidence and make him like you.

As someone recovering from major surgery myself I wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery.

My local police blotter had a guy arrested with the name Evil Knevil Lastname (using lastname to protect the “innocent”). Even more ridiculously this person has siblings named John Wayne, Tammy Wynette, Roy Rodgers, Dale Evans, Gene Autrey, and Loretta Lynn. I am not making this up.

Abstaining from solids seems like a sure fire way to avoid getting pregnant if you get my drift.

My two week post hysterectomy follow up was today. Not a minute to damn soon it seems.