Dusty is a pretty popular southern name. I know upwards of five people personally named Dusty, male and female.
Dusty is a pretty popular southern name. I know upwards of five people personally named Dusty, male and female.
From what I have seen knowledge and utilization of the program is pretty high. High enough that when I worked in the local public library we had problems with people that had no photo ID attempting to get library cards (they had photo on them) and use them for ID at the local hospital for the pregnancy test required…
3 out of 3 do not agree
That was my second theory as well!
She seems a little shiny but I find her less boring visually than Ivanka.
I bet she means landscaper. Surely she means landscaper.
I think Marla wants to day a certain lightning bearer is stealing our wind.
They are from Asgard!
Pregnancy is one of the only things, in my state at least, that virtually guarantees acess to health care for poor adult women via what is commonly know as “pregnancy medicaid”. The problem, however, is that very often that access is to the shitiest doctors and over use of cesareans for their higher payout.
Ridiculously and disturbingly, my former employer (of 12 years) was the municipal government of a small town where I was the assistant library director. Many of those keystrokes should have been protected patron information. We basically underwent the Spanish Inquisition lead by a paranoid city manager and a…
Twas a municipal government overlord and I have since moved on and now work in the arts with no adult supervision. They did not fill my position and my office stands as a shrine.
Municipal government, jackass.
So my employer can monitor my key strokes and have a camera in my office and countless other monitoring set ups and that is okay but a body cam on a cop would violate his/her constitutional rights. Come on now.
And many words that are masculine counterparts are used for both sexes in modern language. Words don’t have genitals. It will be okay!
Gods, I love her.
And my MP3 queues up “She” right when I started reading this :/
Yep. And I love Hugh Grant. My Hugh Grant DVD collection is only rivaled by my Johnny Depp DVD collection. Clearly I have issues and terrible taste in men (my current beaux excepted and my second husband evidentiary. )
Applying moisturizer to you face isn’t a fucking hack. Can’t this hack stuff stop now?
Trying real hard to not dwell on the stuff from earlier this week whilst watching and laughing.