
I got sent to the principal’s office in ninth grade for refusing to stand and recite the pledge. There was much less Facebook outrage. Granted this was 1992 and I wasn’t in the NFL. As I told my principal, I will say it when it is true.

I am right there with you about Cosby’s comedy. My grandfather, who raised me along with my grandmother, was a huge fan of stand up and listening to albums and those early HBO specials were a large part of my childhood (often very much NOT age appropriate.) I hate that part of my not great childhood that I cherish is

That just seems silly and superfluous. The whole of nature is an open air toilet, poop is the thing that a toilet would be ideal for there.

I don’t care for wings so I saved my special moment for the Verizon store. I was invited to never return (as was my dad in a completely unrelated breakdown. )

If that doesn’t creat a hostile work environment I don’t know what will. Paging HR, HR to the breakroom.

Since I was working in about three inches of water that management refused to fix the cause of I felt my flippers would be okay making a statement. Fun times.

I wore flippers and a snorkel to work once. They were not amused.

That pretty much says to me that it is being used as an excuse but doesn’t actually cause the thing.

It is ass-backwards to me. Sobriety should be a condition that if not met incurs further punishment than already imposed not an attaboy pathway to a misdemeanor reduction if met.

I fear you may be right. I have grave suspicion of a cousin-in-law of mine and if her kid is diagnosed with another grave illness I may be compelled to take action. I am not sure what I could actually do and don’t look forward to the probable fallout.

I was raised by a hypochondriac and I don’t mean that in the looks up symptoms on webmd and freaks out a little bit sense. She, my grandmother, went so far as to buy a wheelchair at a garage sale, brought it home, sat in it and never got up again. When she would meet opposition from a physician she would move on to

Yeah, I think this guy knows rape (whether he terms it that or not) is happening regardless. If you are “offering a ride” to someone and hauling them out to a deserted industrial area you know your end game. I live in an area where the local plumbers son runs a fly by night “taxi” and there is no Uber so I am ignorant

As another lifelong sewer, I agree. Something else that a sewer would consider that jane q. public wouldn’t is that even with more average sizes the block a pattern is cut for can vary shapes, pear shapes, square, hourglass, small busted versions of all of those, pears with protruberant bottoms rather

True, however, that sample size could reflect a more “average” body type. But fashion, runway in particular, is aspirational. The think the industry would probably rather reflect what they think people want to, thin and white. It seems to be by nature exclusionary.

I turn forty tomorrow. I am going to get a massage, a facial, and go to a museum all by myself. Low key, no stress, good times.

It is irksome to me because it all seems to be a way to make her story about overcoming adversity or some sort of savior instead of about her incredible talent and enormous drive. Frankly, being adopted by grandparents is entirely unnoteworthy. I was adopted by my grandparents (my mother was killed in an auto accident

Texas did turn down Medicaid expansion, however the existing Medicaid program had/has a provision for “pregnancy” medicaid. One of the problems is that the most qualified obstetricians often take only a limited number of medicaid patients (or none at all) which leaves a lot of women going to shoddy doctors that are

I <3 bluegrass too so if I am choosing daughters it is Gillian Welch all the high lonesome way (we will just ignore that she is 8 years older than me!)

Yet another art school flake also endorsing.

He was appropriately apologetic and shoving money at me to replace it so he gets a pass this time.