
My boyfriend accidentally knocked my almost full bottle of a too Faced Born This Way foundation off the counter and it shattered. This leads to the question should I replace it with the same or try something new and amazing. I liked the Born This Way but it wasn’t a holy grail for me. I am pretty oily in the tzone,

If there was a movie of my life she would almost certainly play me.

I do a couple bar shifts a week at a theater/bowling alley/cafe/bar (to keep me from becoming a hermit really) that is owned by the son of the founder of Cinemark. Last week I was impatiently calling for the shift manager to come swap the till out for shift change and they kept putting me off. Turns out they were

I get called twice a year or more. Once I had jury summons for three different courts in one week. I never get selected. Frankly, I am getting weary of it. For federal court I have to drive nearly two hours AND they often recall you the next day if you aren’t selected the first day. Uuuuggghhh.

Well, might as well start that diet now.

I can’t get past the photo looking like that flower stem is going straight down Kirsten’s ear hole.

In this instance, on this day, I am going to say man = Donald Trump

At one of the approximately one bajillion workshops I went to in my previous library life the facilitator had us fill out a postcard to ourselves with three takeaways of which we would like to be reminded that she mailed to us weeks later (an excellent idea by the way and this particular one was a customer service

Except the mesh dress thing. That came from the can’t try on boxes on the slat wall of a sex/porn/novelty shop.

In my previous life in the library we did a teen program that was a low rent “fear factor”. In prepping all the food things (Brussels sprout smoothie, beef tongue, octopus, sweet breads, blue cheese and others), the only thing that made me wretch was the blue cheese. That shit is gross.

I probably fall into the loved it no matter what category but I think she did as good a job as anyone could have and as good of an acting job as she is capable. I was being at least somewhat sarcastic (but I loved Selena - I am Texan so admittedly it is a requirement at least for my age bracket.)

Umm....have you even seen Selena?

One of my more mortifying life moments was buying 8 copies of inTouch when they published some of my work. I would consider buying another copy if “the big snip” made the cover.

It is because you literally said people walk around with rifles all the time.

If I Google open carry Texas I will come up with a lot of photos of just that. However, if I walk out my front door (in Texas) I will not see anyone open carrying. The only people I see open carrying weapons on the regular are law enforcement, possibly someone carrying a handgun rarely and a rifle never with the

I am a rural East Texas (read heavily southern baptist and pentecostal area) pagan. I have very little practical knowledge regarding catholicism and disagree with a great deal of what I do know so it pains me to say dude isn’t wrong about the mansion thing.

Well, Ken Starr got demoted so he might have some free time.

True story. I am a 10 and look like I am sporting aircraft carriers in chucks.

I kind of want a pledge from candidates to have gender and racial equal representation in cabinet and/or staff to be a thing with a website showing who has signed and complied post election. Can this be a thing please?

Word for word I thought, “this makes him the anti-Bond.”