
If the tax exemption was tossed I think at least some of this would take care of itself. Or at least make provisions that if a certain number of clergy or administrator of a tax exempted religious organization is found to violate laws the tax exemption is revoked.

All I can think now is squatter nut bosh.

As an artist (photographer) I am all for being fairly compensated for work but the concept gets a little sticky with youtube in that on one hand fair compensation on the other marketing/advertising. Exposure doesn’t pay the rent, I have nearly considered getting that tattooed on my forehead, but these large

I never had to wear the belty pads (I will be 40 this year) but my first thought at seeing the new cover was “get off my lawn”.

I am currently totally redoing my website and will have an online storefront after it is finished. I will try and keep an eye out for you and let you know. I did find Alex...

Mainly because I have been running a booth at Comicpalooza this weekend and haven’t had a chance for any funsies and luuuuurve bloody marys.

I am on the hunt for a great bloody mary near my hotel (downtown Houston if any can recommend), and will be watching some OITNB after.

I am hawking my wares at Houston’s Comicpalooza all weekend and would love to meet some fellow jezzie’s (booth 515)!

I was nauseous all day yesterday. When I saw that he was in the Houston area I surmised that it was my body’s natural reaction to the proximity of evil.

Am I the only living person never to have seen Finding Nemo?

Close...East Texas.

Soooo much Aussie and Aqua Net!

I am pretty Daria Morgendorffer most of the time but when I get excited I get REALLY excited and 13 year old me going to see New Kids on the Block was peak excited. This will be my expression this weekend when I get to meet Norman Reedus.

I’m from Texas, they teach you tall hair from birth.

Whatever, Jaden. Me circa 1989 says my overalls are cooler plus I have this towel. (Why so huge, Kinja? Why?)

I am guessing there would be a high pitched squealing sound like air escaping a tire.

They were cute but I stand by statement. I was hopeful that a google search would turn up an orange skeksis with a bad combover but no dice.

Also, Kim looks more and more like a gelfling.

Same, also twin switch things or prince and the pauperesque things.

Yup, Little Buddha. It also has Chris Isaak and Bridget Fonda.